'With respect, Officer Syna, your belief, unfortunately, doesn't solve the case. Evidence and theories do, and the circumstantial evidence leads us to him.' There was a knock on the door, one of the constables appeared in the room.

   'SHO Syna, a young detective wants to see you now, says it is urgent.' Syna knew instantly who he was talking about.

   'Tell him to wait until our discussion is over.' She commanded, and the constable left.

   'All his attacks and mass-murders were in Mumbai, why do you think he aimed so far in a silent colony of Shimla?' She questioned Mr. Khatri.

   'That's what we are appointed for.'

   'Then find me solid proof that backs up your claim.' Syna replied. Another knock.

   'Sorry to interrupt, Officer, but he asked to pass on an urgent message.' The constable spoke hurriedly.

   'What's the message?' asked Syna annoyingly.

   'He said he is a part of the race now, "the race which toddlers talk about, the tortoise and the rabbit."' Syna froze, she was bewildered. She instantly looked at Dexter and found the same startling look on his face. How did Akash Paul know about the letter? How did he get his hands on it?

   'Everybody out. The discussion is over for now; I expect to receive some leads.' She turned to the constable, 'Send the detective in.' Dexter chose to remain in the room. Judging by Syna's reaction, he knew it wasn't her who had informed the detective about the letter. But then how did he know?


Akash entered the cabin and found the expected astonishing look on both of their faces.

   'Before we begin, just tell me how many letters have you received so far? And how long were you planning on hiding this?' Silence. They just looked at one another, dumbstruck.

   'Including the one in your hand, two.' Dexter replied.

   'Have you gotten any leads about whether or not this is a hoax?' Syna felt a rush of emotions, unlike Dexter, even Akash had a hunch that the letter could be a hoax.

   'Not yet.' Syna said, clearing her throat. 'If he wanted fame and coverage, he would have sent the letter directly to the media. Instead, he sent it to us, that's why I sent Dexter to that address.'

   'And since it was unofficial, I assume just the two of you know about this?' He asked, and they nodded.

   'Just how did you get your hands on that letter, anyway?' asked Dexter, unsatisfied.

   'Found it on my doorsteps this morning. Quite unusual I tell you.' Akash replied.

   'Maybe he found out about you when you followed me to the abandoned address.' Dexter suggested and Akash shrugged.

   'So, I take it in the affirmative that you will cooperate with us in the investigation?' Syna asked, hiding her excitement.

   'Without a doubt.'


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"The Boss". A pseudonym he had reserved for himself in Mumbai and Shimla. His subordinates and respondents only knew of him as a contractor who hired people for illegal actions, such as kidnapping, extortion, drug dealing, and harassment, all for money or revenge. But he was scared this time, it wasn't like before when he could easily slip away if the plan blew off. There was a mass-murder, and there were high chances of him getting caught, after all the prime suspect, Jeel (another pseudonym) knew him very well. She could turn in "The Boss" for her own safety.

He got his revenge, though. James Fernandes's son, David had suffered well enough and had paid for his father's betrayals. Circumstances blew the plan and "The Boss" lost the money which he would have received otherwise. He settled down on his chair and decided it was time, he had to leave Mysore colony and shift somewhere far away, before anyone could reach him. He glanced at the calendar, a week from now, and he would be gone.


And I patiently wait for the day when the Human race would ponder upon whose funeral to attend; their loved ones, their closed ones, or maybe their own? For such is the gravity of my ambitions and the aftermath of my actions.

~The Stalker

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