Swing Your Partner 'Round and Trade (Part One)

Start from the beginning

"I asked the old Unc' to meet me here, I hope you don't mind." She said offhandedly. "Something about arrow refills—we must be certain he catches us in the act of swapping saliva.

Their scheming was interrupted by a quiet, polite cough. "Kaldur," the bird acknowledged. "You're up early, aren't you?"

"I've been up since six, thank you." He said politely. "You seem agitated, is everything alright?"

"Kaldur," the young master gaped. "You must have read my mind! how did you know something was up?" 

"I couldn't help but to overhear your discussion."

"Ah." Dick and his companion rattled off an explanation of some sort. "So, what of it, Kal?"

Kaldur thought it over, chewing on the idea like a wise cow, wide, wet eyes and all. Finally, he gave the verdict. "I should advise against it, friends. One might get the wrong impression."

"Kaldur, you're an ass." Artemis said firmly. "Not just an ass, but an ass in need a better love life."

"Thank you for your feedback." He said, and helped himself to some electrolyte tablets, keeping that aloof, disapproving look in his eye.

Dick pointedly ignored this. "So, shall we...?"


"Exactly." He agreed. "I suppose I'll come in from the side, and you stick out your cheek and we'll sort of... meet in the middle."

"Have a mint."

"Gracias." They each took a minute to stretch and warm up, before leaning in to give it a shot.

Just as Dick's lips were approaching his friend's face, he felt a whirr in the air and a bright light. "That's him! Now!" Artemis hissed and the two gave it all their gusto and went in for the smack.

It was a good long second before Artemis let out a sharp noise, and Dick unlatched himself. He turned to face the beam, preparing his looks of horror and teary begs for secrecy. However, the second he laid eyes upon their intruder, Dick fell at a loss. Where Artemis' uncle should have been, instead was Zatanna.

Dumbstruck, Dick stared her down. The girl let out a sort of gurgle, blanched, and eloped back out the zetabeam.

After such a shock that morning, Dick rather struggled getting started. He undertook breakfast with an offput illness, and was barely warming up to the idea of homework.

Wolf made a beeline through the room, disregarding him, and started prodding Conner-- who had gone about his day as if there wasn't mortifying relationship drama intruding his household-- in the back of the ribs with his nose. Conner, who  gave his ear a scratch and Wolf, deciding that this was the one to stick to, leaned against the clone with all his weight, prodding eagerly for more attention. 

"Looks like someone's hungry." Dick muttered. 

"No he's not." Conner warned. "He's eaten a half a lamb already since waking up. He eats off the table too."

Dick wasn't surprised; the dog was tall enough to eat off the top of the fridge! Conner, under the strain of 458 lbs of dog, took a step back and let the beast slide onto the floor, where he spread his limbs out so as to cool his belly, panting contentedly. Clone sat down besides and latched back onto the dog for affection.

 Dick was just wondering if joining the other runts would improve his mood at all when there was a spark of freckles, and Wally sat at his elbow.


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