Mikasa did the same with Beast titan.

Connie struggled to slice a female titan's nape when Levi did it for him.

Faye's female titan punched an Amoured Titans head off.

"All of them! Don't you get it? They are going to die!" Armin shouted, teary eyed, kneeling beside his unconsious body. "Wake up you piece of trash! Filthy bastard! Useless idiot! I hate you! I always have! You have never done anything but betray me! The life I was getting given! The expectations! The responsibilities! Everything! All of it! You haven't been able to give them anything in return! So, why are you dead like that?! Move! I said move!" He slammed his fist on the ground and grabbed some sand. He looked at it. 'Sand...' He sat up. "Think! If I really was dead, how would I be able to think with no oxygen coming to my brain! This... Isn't a dream. It's not a vision. It's not afterlife..." He clenched his fist. "This is the Paths! This is reality!" He looked up at the Coordinates. "I'm supposed be in a Titan's mouth right now. So, why do I know what everyone's doing...? Because all Eldians are connected via this paths. In that case..." He stood up. "There might be... Something I can do here. Yeah. Think. Think!" He looked behind him to see Zeke making sand castle. "Huh?" He approached him and kneeled before him. "Hello, Mr. Zeke."

"Hello, Eren's friend." Zeke said and looked at him. "So, Founder Eren ate you too. Huh?" He looked down.

"Yeah." Armin replied.

"Let me tell you the story of life." Zeke said. "Long ago, when nothing but mere matter existed in this world. As countless masses of some unknown things appeared, disappeared then appeared again. But, one of them eventually survived. We now know it as 'Life'. The reason the 'Life' ultimately survived was because it was in it's nature to multiply. Life took new forms in order to multiply, adapting to every kind of environment and eventually leading to us as we are now. It sought numbers. It sought spread. It sought abundance. And so, this is to say the purpose of life is to multiply." Armin starred at him with wide eyes. "This sand. This pebbles. The water. They don't seek to multiply. But life never stops in it's frantic quest to do so. After all, death and extermination of species runs counter to the goal of multiplying. That is why we face the punishment known as fear. And why that child sought to avoid such pain. Something stronger. Something larger. The first Founder Ymir Fritz gave birth to an undying body. Then she died and left this world which is free of death to the Founder Eren."

"That man was Founder Eren and this is the world free of death." Armin said, looking around. Then he looked at Zeke. "Why this place was created?"

"I myself spent an astonishing amount of time her to try to understand the First Founder, Ymir." Zeke said. "In spite of all her strength she had, she could never defy King Fritz. That's why this place was created."

"Why was that?" Armin asked.

"Ymir still wanted to serve the king even after her death." Zeke said. "She felt attached to the world she left behind. But, before her death, Founder Eren assured her that he will take her place. That's why Ymir died with a smile. Because of Founder Eren, she got freedom."

"Why Founder Eren took her place and stayed here for 2000 years?" Armin asked. "And who exactly is he? He does look like our Eren though."

"We live in a multiverse. Like our world, there exist unlimited world. Some are different yet similar." Zeke explained.

Armin gasped. "Multiverse?"

"Yeah. Founder Eren is from another universe in which the world is already destroyed by the Rumbling." Zeke said.

Armin gasped. "What!"

"Yeah. As I said, universes are similar yet different." Zeke said. "After his death, he got teleported here without his permission. He took this as an way to atone his sin of killing 60% of world population outside of Paradise."

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