"This is a discussion for the car." Elijah suggest leading them back to vehicle. Clara gets in the back with Hope and Cami sits in the passenger, Elijah quickly gets into the driver side, "Lets move."


Arriving back in New Orleans was a wave of relief for Clara. Hope had eventually calmed down during the long ride back, and they wasted no time to make their way back to the compound without unwanted eyes on them.

Elijah had went ahead of them to make sure all was clear before leading the three into the home and to Nik, which Clara ran to as fast as she could while holding Hope. "I'm glad your both okay." Nik whispers to her as he hugs them, kissing Hope's head.

"I'm glad we're here." Clara replies as the others reach them.

"Lets get you all cleaned up. We can discuss everything later." Nik tells the group before leading his girls back to his room.

Once everyone was calm and fixed up in new clothes, Clara had informed the other two of the wedding decorations in the ballroom as they made their way towards it, ahead of them was Nik who was going to talk to those who were in the room about their arrival.

"Hayley if I may intrude, there are some people who wish to say hello." Nik tells her with a knowing look, earning a confused look from the wolf before the door opens.

Clara with Hope enters the room first surprising Hayley, "You brought them here? Finn could be anywhere." she scolds the hybrid before making her way to her friend and giving her a hug.

"I've taken precautions. There'll be no uninvited guests at your wedding, and after, your wolves will be the first line of defense to this home. No more running." Nik tells her reasuringly.

"Hey, you wanted to see Hope when I came to your wedding, think of this as a small win." Clara tells her with a small smile.

Hayley smile, "You're right. Hi sweetheart, hi." she says to the baby, Clara handing Hope over to her best friend to hold. "Aren't you a cutie. Hope, this is Jackson. Jackson this is Hope." she says once Jackson walks over to them.

Jackson smiles at the situation, "Hi." he says softly to the little baby who just looks at him


After getting Hope all dressed up, and getting dressed herself, Clara knocks on Hayleys door recieving a distant 'Come in' from the wolf.

"Hey, just came to see if you needed any help." Clara says as she enters, quick to close the door to ensure no one else peeks at the bride.

"I'm just about ready. Thanks for being here." Hayley says, leaning on the vanity and facing her.

Clara smile, "Oh course. Nothing could keep me away." she jokes, "Are you nervous?"

"A little." Hayley says with a laugh. "But I know I'm going to be happy with Jackson. We're doing this for the pack, but it'll be good." she explains with a smile staying present on her face.

"I'm happy for you." Clara tells her with a mirroring smile.

There was a pause before Hayley takes a deep breath, "I looked into Ann Labonair, and I was able to get some info on her." Hayley brings up, "She's a cousin to my family. They were kicked from the pack when her dad married a outsider who had a weird wolf gene." 

"So we're cousins, thats great! Wait." Clara looks at her confused, "Weird how?"

"Weird as in the wolf gene skips a generation... every generation." Hayley reveals.

"So, if Ann had the gene. I don't have it?" Clara questions her friend.

"Yeah. But Hope does. So if you and Nik would like, she can be a part of our pack..." Hayley offers, looking at Hope.

"Once all this Dahlia stuff is delt with, we can talk about it with Nik then. But, we're family regardless." Clara tells her while also smiling to Hope who was playing with her dress.

Hayley nods, "Sounds like a good idea... cousin." she say with a teasing look on her face.

Clara laughs, "Whatever cousin." she teases back gaining a laugh from the bride.


The Unification Ceremony was starting, everyone moved to their seats Hayley makes her way into the room standing in the archway, Jackson follows a few moments behind. They clasp each others hands and make their way down the actual aisle until they got to the stairs. The two split to walk up to the balcony up to met with Mary.

"Please, be seated." Mary annouces as they couples meet back up. The guest all listen and the music fades. "We gathered together as a community seeking peace, inspired by this couple standing before you. There was a time when werewolves saw themselves not as cursed, but blessed with connection to our most pure selves. And tonight, we honor that blessing with the long-awaited unification of the two Crescent bloodlines." Mary announces before wrapping Jackson and Hayleys hands in a bind of flowers.

"In doing so, we choose to embrace Hayley's vampire nature. With this union, Hayley will share her unique gifts with her pack." Mary says before placing a long match inbetween their hands. "And now, your vows."

Jackson takes a deep breath, "I pledge to honor you and defend you and yours above all others." he vows.

"To share in blessings and burdens. To be your advocate, your champion." Hayley continues.

"To be your comfort, your sanctuary, and for as long as we both shall live." Jackson folows.

"To be your family."

"To be your family."

The two smile at one another before turning anf lighting the candle together. "You two have endured all the traditional werewolf rituals and trials. There is only one remaining-- Jackson, you may kiss your bride." Mary says.

Slowly Jackson cups Hayleys cheek, and kisses her. As they slowly pull away their eyes glow gold showing that the ceremony worked. Slowly, the other werewolves in the pack's eyes began to clow the same color.


1592 Words

Yay, they're back in New Orleans!

Hope you enjoyed!




Lots of Luv~ snowflake

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