Chapter 25: The Apple

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The sound of glass clinking and light chatter filled the bar. Jerrod downed the last of whiskey in his glass before motioning for another.

He looked up as a figure sat next to him. Looking at the family ring, he didn't look up further as he knew who had sat next to him. Sighing, he rolled his eyes and gave a nod to the bartender as they handed him another cup.

"Billy called me." The deep, stern voice stated.

"I figured." Jerrod responded with a raise of his eyebrows and taking another sip.

"Is this how I raised you?" The man asked, clear disgust in his voice.

"Well, no I guess you didn't father." He took another sip before tipping his head. "You didn't raise me at all."

The man slammed his hand on the bar, gaining the attention of others around them.

"I didn't raise a drunk! You're over here moping around because of some girl! Be a man! Either get what is yours or move the fuck on!"

Jerrod glared into his father's face, not flinching once as his dad drew closer to him.

"I'm not a child anymore old man, you don't scare me with that tone or glare." Jerrod said, taking another sip of his whiskey.

Before he could place his whiskey down, he was yanked up out of his seat, causing the glass to shatter to the floor. He stared into his father's eyes as he held him up by the collar.

"You watch your tongue when you talk to me you ungrateful piece of shit! After everything I've done to protect you! Sober up! You will not embarrass me!" He hissed.

The small crowd gasped as Jerrod shoved him away.

"Protect me?! What did you protect me from? Most of the time I needed protection from you!" Jerrod yelled.

His father, Joseph O'Connor had always handled him with a heavy hand. His dad handled everyone with a heavy hand, his mom included.

The room fell silent as Jerrod's head rocked to the side and he landed straight on his bottom. Being drunk right now was not working in his favor.

Before he could get his baring's, another blow landed on his cheek, causing his body to slump back. Thick blood spewed from his nose and mouth as his head swayed back and forth. He blinked his eyes several times trying to focus when he felt his dad lean his knee into his chest.

He struggled to breathe as he felt his dad lean down to his ear.

"Looks like you still need protected. Either get the little bitch to submit or move on to the next slut." He hissed before standing up.

"Billy, tell Riley to give Jerrod a ride home."

Without a second glance to his son, he turned on his heels and walked out the door.


Cassie stayed quiet as she looked around the large dining room. The dinner looked and smelled delicious but Cassie couldn't help but feel this wasn't you're typical business meeting.

The men seated around the table were cold and terrifying. Cassie noticed Ethan and the man at the head of the table talking quietly. She couldn't make out what they were saying to each other but by the tones of their voices, she knew it was serious.

The man, known as Massimo sat at the head of the table, a beautiful blonde sat to the right of him, he introduced her as his wife. She was polite, but distant. Not that Cassie minded, she was distant too.

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