Chapter 1 : In The beginning

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"Sorry I'm late! Class went over a little and I-" She stopped talking when her boss lifted his hand to stop her. Tossing her a pen and handing her a tablet, he finally spoke.

"You've been late all this week." He started. "I know sir and I'm so sorry but-" He stopped her again. "Cassandra I understand you have a lot going on but this is my business. I need reliable people. If you're late again. Don't bother showing up." Cassandra sighed in defeat and nodded her head. She was in her last semester of college and was working really hard to make sure she maintained her 4.0 GPA. She had to stay at the top of her class so she could get the internship at Shaw Group Inc. It was her dream job and she had big aspirations to grow there.

With her pen and tablet in hand. She took a deep breath, planted a smile on her face and walked over to her first table. She walked to the table where 4 men sat talking and looking over the menu. She figured they were here on their lunch break since they were all dressed up in suits.

"Hello, I'm Cassandra. I'll be waiting on you today. Can I start you off with some drinks?" They looked up at her with warm smiles before sharing a look with each other. They began to give their orders as she jotted it down on the tablet. "Okay that's 3 sprites and a coke, would you like to place your orders now too?" They asked for more time and she nodded making her way to the back to get their drinks.

"Hey Cass!" She rolled her eyes at the familiar voice. Jake Wellington always came into the restaurant at the same time everyday and stayed until her shift was over. Always offering her a ride home or asking her out on a date. "Hi Jake." She said with a fake smile. He was annoying but he always tipped her well so she had to be somewhat cordial.

"Are you free this evening?" He asked. "No I'm not, I have a lot of studying to do." She answered before walking around him and going back to her table. She noted how he sat at the bar and sighed to himself. He was a good looking man, just not her type.

"Alright fellas, are you ready to order?" They nodded and she took their orders and headed to the back. She placed the order down for the chef and walked back out to the bar where she started to make Jake's drink, his usual; gin and tonic. Placing the lemon on the edge she slid the glass to him. He gave her a grateful smile when her attention was pulled to the door.

A tall, strong build man walked in the door. His blonde hair was a little disheveled as if he had ran his fingers through it a couple of times. His jaw was clenched making the sharp lines even more defined. His Armani suit clung to him, his muscles showing through the jacket. The top few buttons of his button up were undone and his tie was loosened.

Cassandra couldn't keep her eyes off of him as he made his way to the bar. His head was still down, engulfed in his phone, his eyebrows furrowed. He plopped down in the stool and suddenly spoke. "Jack, on the rocks." He said while he typed away on his phone. His voice was beautiful, deep and smooth. The sound of his voice alone made her panties dampen. Cass nodded, not like he could see her anyway and began to make his drink.

"Cass, table 23's order is up." She heard the cook yell. She looked up as Angel made her way to the back. "I got it girl, you can keep an eye on the bar." Angel was a nice girl from Georgia. Her and Cassandra got along well but they weren't best friends. Just good acquaintances; Angel didn't like tending to the bar so any chance she got she would trade with Cassandra. She didn't mind it though, the people at the bar always tipped better.

"Here's your drink sir." The man grabbed the drink, still not looking up at her. She rolled her eyes and thought to herself how rude he was before she started helping other people at the bar. She watched as he chugged it down and placed it back on the counter. A small tick in his jaw was the only reaction he had to drinking the strong liquor so quickly.

"Another one please." He said. She finished shaking a cocktail together for another customer and poured the contents in the glass. Once garnishing the drink she gave a big smile to the customer and made her way back to the mysteriously handsome man. He looked up impatiently when he didn't have another drink already made for him.

"Another drink please." His hard voice demanded. Cassandra frowned slightly as his eyes finally met hers, locking on her. She felt a lump form in her throat as his blue orbs stared into her golden brown eyes. "Coming right up." She said quickly and broke eye contact. She could feel his eyes burning into her back as she poured more Jack into a cup.

"Here you go sir." Cassandra placed his cup on the coaster and took the empty cup away, cleaning it quickly and placing it on the counter to dry. "Thank you." He mumbled and went back to his phone. This time he took sips instead of guzzling it down like a mad man. Suddenly her boss came rushing out making his way to the mysterious man.

"Hello Mr. Shaw, no one told me you were coming in today." He greeted him cheerfully. Cassandra paused at hearing the name and wondered if it was any connection to the powerhouse Shaw Group Inc. she was so desperately trying to get an internship at.

"I just came in for a quick drink. Reading all these applications for our internship program has been stressful." He answered as he sighed and put his phone down. "Anyone looking promising?" Bob, her boss asked. The man shrugged.

"A couple, but they will all need some additional training." Bob nodded and then turned to Cass. "Cassandra, come here. Meet Ethan Shaw, owner and CEO of Shaw Group Inc." Bob introduced. Cassandra waved sheepishly as she now did not know what to say to this powerful and handsome man.

"Cassandra here studies at NYU, she's a double major in accounting and business." He said, causing Cassandra to slightly blush. Her boss was big on business and professionalism but he always put in a good word for her whenever he could. The man she now knew as Ethan Shaw looked at her again with an impressed expression.

"That is very impressive Cassandra, have you applied to our internship program? I don't believe I have come across your name yet." She nodded her head quickly. "Yes I have, I graduate in the fall so I just submitted my application. Ethan nodded his head as he typed away on his phone.

"I'll have my assistant look you up. If I like what I see, we'll give you a call." He said and stood up. Buttoning up his shirt and retying his tie. He shook Bob's hand and nodded at me. "I have to go back to the office, it was good seeing you Bob." He said and placed two crisp 100 dollar bills on the table. "Have a good day Cassandra." The way her name rolled off his tongue made her shiver inside. This man was unreal, she smiled and nodded. "You too, thank you sir." He smiled and walked out of the restaurant.

Bob turned to Cassandra with a smirk on his face. "You're welcome." He said and patted her hand before walking back to the back of the building. 

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