Tricked Them

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Notice the colours behind Shizu ;)
。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚.

"He met with you?!" Shizu shouted, had a phone in front of her with her boyfriend on the other line. He was signing but jumped when she shouted, he held his finger to his lips to shush her "Shizu, you're not alone you cant shout like that" she was walking around her room, not reading his lips. He sighed watching her "Shizu" he called "Look back at the camera"

"Shizu's on the phone!" A woman called running into the room, she looked down at the phone, that Shoji was trying to hold away from her. Shizu finally was looking at the phone, but her eyes were filled with stars as she saw his mum. "Hi Shizu!"

"Hi!" she paused and stared as she was trying to think of her name.

"Call me mum!" She chirped, and Shoji's cheeks flushed, and he began to push her away. "Sorry sorry, I won't interrupt you two lovers" she teased "Tell Shizu to come back again" he nodded and shut the door. He sighed and then looked down at his phone, his girlfriend was smiling cheerfully and then it fell from her face as she thought about something. "Shizu?" she was looking at his lips and then placed her phone back down to sign 'So he said they're attacking our next school trip' Shoji nodded 'So somehow we've got to stop that school trip' the man pulled a face while tilting his head 'He said it was sometime in the future, so how will we know which one to stop'

'Get more information' she then paused and shook her head repeating no. He sighed and smiled to himself, knowing that that's how she'd act. "You won't get more information" she sighed and rubbed her face "I wanted to keep you out this, but it seems now we're together" she paused. This was pause that filled Shoji's stomach with dread. Shizu had her eyes covered as she sat and thought, when her gaze met his through the phone her sadness quickly washed away to affection. "This is very hard for me" he smiled wishing that all he could do was hug her and tell her it was going to be better. "Look if you come round mine every once a week you can meet with, whatever his name is, and you can find out stuff" she smirked at the boy on the camera her eyes suggestive as she looked at him "Is that the only reason why you want me round every week?" his eyes widened at her suggestion, and he found himself blushing heavily. He moved his gaze away taking deep breaths.

The next day at school Aizawa had paired us against 1B, due to the rivalry they had caused leading up to the sports festival. Both teachers thought it would chill them out, but they only wanted to see them fight it out. "Are you wearing your hearing aids?" Shinosu muttered looking towards the girl walking with him. This was an unlikely duo, and rare for them to hang out, but if they were together, they both would talk. Due to their similar quirks, there was always something to talk about. Shizu looked at the man and blinked a few times "I guess that answers it" he smiled to himself, and they continued walking together. "How come your not walking with your lover" Aoyama questioned the man, he looked down at him confused at this sudden interaction. "I don't have to be by her side all the time" he muttered, and the blonde boy smiled up at the man "You must love her a lot to let her talk to other men like that" the man only shrugged "She must tell you a lot of secrets" he sighed. Shoji looked suspiciously down at the pouting man, "You can feel it, she reeks of secrets" he muttered "I just wanna know all of them, but the most she's told me is about how her leg works"

"That's as much as I know" he muttered; it was an obvious lie but for some reason this interaction was worrying him. "Oh, so she must not care for you that much"

"I wouldn't say that"

"What are you two talking about?" Shizu suddenly appeared in front of unlikely pair "Your secrets Ma Cherie" he whined, and she gave a smile of doubt and then looked up at Shoji. He shrugged his shoulders for the 100th time that day it felt like. She then began to walk side by side with him, observing how Shinsou was whispering with his class and how they turned to look at her. She smiled "Tricked them" the boy walking beside her looked down at her, then back up at the different class in front of them, he held out his fist to bump. Instead of one she bumped them all, causing them to laugh for almost an hour.

The battle had begun, Shizu was paired with Bakugo while they were up against Monoma and pony. "This is quite ironic" She chuckled as she walked with Bakugo through the battle grounds, "What is?" Bakugo almost shouted back but kept his voice down. This was when the petit girl realized she had said her thoughts out loud "Uh, how we're complete opposites" she smiled

"Yeah, your defence, while I'm attack" he muttered, not noticing how Shizu had stopped her gaze was down an alleyway. Monoma was frozen in his hiding place; he didn't even move from it so how did she know. "Bakugo" She called softly and waved him over, the man stepped over to her looking down the alley. He looked down it turning his nose up at it "Cool alleyway, we're meant to be looking for people" Shizu ignored his teasing and pulled out a arrow, loading it into her bow as she aimed. "Step out" she muttered, then ushered Bakugo to move closer. He was angry they were even inspecting this dark alleyway, but he couldn't leave his partner. Suddenly and explosion sounded, and Monoma ran past the pair "You stole my quirk!" Bakugo shouted in anger, as she shot his quirk behind him to chase after him. "Corner him!" Shizu ordered and the man begrudgingly agreed to do so. Shizu however took to the skies, she was searching the roofs. "If I had a far range quirk, where would I be" she muttered to herself until she saw the blonde on the roof shouting in her earpiece. Shizu slowly moved down to behind the girl, she could see the wrist band that they needed.

From the spectator booth, all the class began to lean in as she slowly walked closer to the angry pony. Her hand reached out and grabbed the wrist band, suddenly pony turned but she was quick to react. Her lips met her cheek and pony widened her eyes, as she hugged the girl tightly "Pony let go!" She called the girl took a bit of persuasion until she did. Dropping Shizu she held out her hand "Give the wrist band" the girl happily took it off, and Shizu sighed. Pony shook her head then whined in defeat "She got me" she whined.

"What" Monoma's escape faltered as he looked up to the roof where Pony was meant to be supporting him from. He stopped suddenly as he stared at the wall, where pony was meant to blast the others. "Give up, we already got one of you" Bakugo ordered slowly approaching the man Shizu stood on the roof aiming her bow at the man, she knew that Bakugo wanted this one, so she didn't shoot. Suddenly Monoma got the upper hand, Bakugo jumped back as the man quickly approached trying to kiss the man. Instead, he let off a large blast, causing dust to fly in the air. Shizu gasped quickly jumping to the ground, she dived down to save her partner but couldn't navigate him in the smoke. Finally, she saw the raging blonde boy, and reached out to grab him, just as she did suddenly Monoma appeared from the smoke. His lips touched her cheek her eyes widened as she began to rub her cheek, it was too late. She quickly slung her arms around Monoma, her eyes filled with such raw love. A look only Shoji was allowed.

"Uh oh, not cool Monoma" Sero muttered watching it, his gaze moved to his classmate who was looking away from the screen. Monoma was so entranced in Shizu's power that he seemed to forget the blonde "Give me your wristband" she began to pull it from her arm "Not nice when it's you being controlled, huh" he teased. An ear-splitting blast sounded, sending Monoma back into a wall, he was out for the count. Shizu let out a gasp, covering her cheeks as Bakugo went to retrieve the wristband. A large cheer rang out for them, but Shizu couldn't smile, she was fanning her cheeks.

Cupid Can Love Too {Bnha OC insert}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora