They Want Me To Hear For The Festival

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Stepping into the house, Shizu looked around panicking that she left a slight sign of life aka mess. Shoji watched her head shoot around in fear, and then looked around her room. It was white walls with cream and pink furniture. He chuckled to himself, what else was he expecting from UA's cupid. "Where to teach" She muttered repeatedly, then stepping into a room, as the door open and she stepped through he heard chiming. He stood outside the door staring at the chiming hearts, she had dangling beads covering her door in the shape of hearts. But his faltering step wasn't because of them, behind them hid her bedroom, it was decorated in red and pink. Shoji had never been in a girl's room before. She peaked her head around the corner "Do you want a drink?" He stared at her for a moment, shaking his head to bring himself back into reality. "Sure" he answered blankly she nodded, and then stepped out the way "Make yourself comfortable, and I'll be back" he looked at her room.

Slowly stepping inside, his gaze moved around the room, he sat on the floor not wanting to disturb her beautifully made bed. Not that he would fit with all the cushions and plushies. His gaze fell around her room, to her wardrobe, all the way to her rock posters. Rock posters? Shoji stared at the wall fully covered in black posters that contrasted her pink, pink room. He stood up looking at one, seeing a band that he recognised. His gaze slowly moved to the door, Shizu thankfully blended into the walls. She had been there for a while observing Shoji looking at her posters, she placed the tray on the ground after he caught her attention 'Poster' She signed while saying. Shoji copied and the girl smiled happily, blush dusting her cheeks. "Do you like that band?"

"Yeah, they're my favourite" he muttered sitting on the floor, only to have her join him. "Bet you didn't expect a deaf girl to like bands" the boy flinched at her words shaking his head "No because you can hear through vibrations" she smiled "You remembered" she smiled leaning into him so close their breaths were mingling. His eyes switched between her ruby ones, and she tilted her head as she stared at him "Teasing you is fun" she chuckled and sat back. She pulled out a book "This is what I used back in school" she handed it to him.

After a bit of learning the girl sighed "If I watch more of this I'll burst of excitement" and the boy only stared back in confusion, she noticed and then smiled 'handsome' he blushed, she had quickly taught him what that word was in sign. She laughed noticing his shoulders tensing up and pushed on them slightly "I love the way you react to what I say" he grabbed her hand lifting it up "It's because I'm not used to hearing it" he defended she stared back in surprise. "Really?" he only nodded looking away "If I'd known you ages ago, I would've been reminding you everyday"

"You say that as if you're my girlfriend" shoji answered looking away from her teasingly, however when on silence followed, he looked over. She had her knees up to her chest and her head resting on those knees, she was staring at him again. 'you-staring' she giggled falling backwards onto the floor. Shoji stared at her and she ushered for him to lay down with her, he did so unsurely. They sat in silence, the comforting silence they both loved about each other.

The next day the pair walked through the school doors together "Did you learn anything last night"

'yes' Shoji signed and the girl smiled brightly 'I can keep' he paused 'small conversation' she nodded her head understanding what he was saying. She signed back and when she stepped into the class her gaze fell on Midoriya, he waved at her and she waved back confused as to what this new greeting between them was. Shoji stared at the green haired boy; a twinge felt in Shoji's chest as he watched her wave back at him. 'You and' he pointed 'are close?' she shook her head

'No, he just found something out about me, and I think it scared him into respecting me' Shoji stared in confusion, he understood the first word and scared and that was it. 'He's scared?' she pulled a face sitting at her desk, she ushered him closer, he leaned in. "He's scared into respecting me because of something he found out" she whispered into his ear, Shoji blushed at the sudden gust of hot fruity breath. She pulled away and look at him, he nodded confused 'What learn' Shizu giggled at his signing and corrected him. Although she didn't answer when he signed it again, she just tapped her nose. Shoji shrugged and then looked to the centre of class.

However much he strived for her to like him back, she always had this scent of mystery engulfing her. But it wasn't like he could just ask how she became deaf, or how she lost her leg, or why she has that harsh gaze on her face at times. He looked towards the pink haired girl, her eyes widened as they met, and she just smiled back. He smiled back, but when their bandaged-up teacher he turned his attention to signing what his concealed lips were saying. After the announcement of the sports festival the class all fell into cheer, and excitement. But why was Shizu staring at sensei with eyes wide in fear, after he explained that it would be televised to the world. Why did he want to know her secrets so badly?

He tapped her and she turned to look at him 'Ok?' she tilted her head at his sign, and then just nodded her head schooling a smile on her face. He stared at her with a 'not falling for that' gaze, she looked away awkwardly. Sighing softly 'one day' she signed, and the boy furrowed his brows at that, Aizawa stepped up to her desk and she looked up at him, tilted his chin to the door and she stood up following him out. The class watched "You don't think they're not going to let her take part" Mina muttered, looking around fearfully

"No way she deserves a chance in it" Kirishima shouted, "Did you see the way she fought at USJ" he nodded his blonde companion who nodded his head with him "She has some balls" He muttered "But what can an extra do if she can't hear"

"She can" Momo cut in the boasting blonde "She uses vibrations"

"That is true, remember the guy on the staircase" Bakugo grumbled crossing his arms, Midoriya was quietly sat thinking to himself "Maybe she has her own reasons why she can't compete" Shoji turned his head hearing what the boy muttered, his gaze studied the boy judgingly. Silence filled the class as the door opened, she panicked as she looked around the class. Stepping in she was fiddling with her hands, she sat at her desk, Shoji waved a hand in front of her. She didn't even acknowledge at him, she curled up on her desk, hiding her face from the world. "This is so unfair!" Mina called out standing up "They're not letting her compete!" Kirishima nodded his head standing up

"Let's go talk to them" a few members of class stood up as Iida tried to stop them. Shoji tapped the girl panicking, she looked up at him her gaze landing to class. "Your all so noisy, what's going on" Mina ran towards her, grabbing her hand "They're not letting you join the festival are they!" Shizu stared wide and confused at the girl "Huh" she looked towards Shoji wanting a scribe. However, she was pulled into a tight hug, "Shizu we'll get you justice!" Kirishima shouted. She pushed out of the hug "Wait say it slowly" she spoke holding Mina's face; she repeated her words and Shizu shook her head. "What" she looked around class, and they were all looking towards her with a concerned face, "That's why he took you out, isn't it?"

"No" Shizu answered letting go of Mina, she rubbed her arm awkwardly "I can still join the festival" she paused awkwardly and tried to find her words "But they want me to hear for the festival" Shoji looked over at her, realising what she was saying "The support team is making me hearing aids" Mina smiled and squealed, hugging her tightly. The girl hugged back smiling, although Shoji recognised the illegitimate emotion she tried to force on her face.

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