Who Are You?

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"You stupid idiot" she continued laughing pointing at the man on the floor. "You really knocked him out" Shizu laughed, tears almost sprung from her eyes as she held her stomach. The boy however stared at her in confusion "What, wasn't he just" he muttered in confusion, the girl sighed shrugging off the giggles "But you and Shoji" she clasped a hand over his mouth looking down at the man on the floor. She kicked him gently with her foot, and then stepped out of the parking lot looking left and right ushering Midoriya to follow.

She shut her door and sighed "Do you just walk around shouting information about everyone to everyone?" she joked and stepped into her apartment more "Do you want anything to drink?" the boy shook his head, dropping his shopping by the door. "What was happening there then?" the girl was staring into her fridge then pulling out a can of drink. He grabbed her shoulder "What about Shoji?"

"What do you mean what about Shoji" she muttered sitting at a table, Midoriya sat opposite to her "You were kissing that guy, it just feels like your leading-," Shizu held a hand up to his lips, her gaze was sharp almost something you'd see on a villain. "I'm using that man you knocked out" she took a sip of her drink "Did you ever hear of the Valen gang?" the boy nodded his head "I'm Shizu Valen" She held her hand out, as if finally introducing herself. The boy's eyes widened as he stared fearfully at his girl sat in front of him, he wanted to leave, he wasn't safe. Sighing she took a sip of her drink again, leaning on her hand "The door is unlocked if you want to leave" she looked towards his lips, they were open but scrambling to even form a voice "I don't have a family" she muttered.

"You said that before, but what does that mean" she looked away awkwardly "Those people who raised me didn't see me as a daughter, they saw me as their weapon" she looked down not wanting to see Midoriya's expression "After the death of the woman, he spiralled out of control and I'm a result of his anger"

"A result?" He questioned, the girl's eyes were on her can, not replying to his question. She couldn't hear his question. "Anyway, that guy I was kissing for some reason my quirk won't wipe off him, so he's head over heels for me. Knowing that I'm using it against his will" the boy tilted his head "He's in the Valen gang, I know the leader of the gang won't leave me alone, so I need to know what's happening with him" she sipped the drink. "So please don't Shoji I was kissing a rando in a parking lot" She finally looked up at the boy in front of her. He began to cover his ears "If I know this information does this make me top of their list" She shook her head

"No, the minute you followed me home put you on the top of their list" he began to tremble, and she smiled patting him on the head. "I'm joking,"

"It's not a funny joke!" he shouted, and she handed him the drink she was drinking, he took a sip. Suddenly his eyes glossed over, as he reached for her hand "Go home Midoriya" The boy stood up walking away from the girl. She looked down for the can "Hey leave the can!"

School was off the next day, they were recovering from the USJ incident, however Shizu used this as an opportunity. She facetimed her favourite male, he picked up awkwardly the camera up to the ceiling "I can't read your lips like this"

"I haven't got my mask on" one of his limbs said

"That doesn't matter" The boy didn't move the camera, a silence dragged on as Shizu stared expectantly at the phone "Anyway, since we have today off do you want to learn sign language at mine?" the boy jumped behind the camera. He expected he would be the first one to ask to meet, but he wasn't. His limb nodded and the girl giggled happily "Ok, I'll buy us some snacks" She chirped, and then began typing on her phone "Wanna meet at this shop" the limb nodded again. She just stared at the screen and tilted her head "Are you gonna go get your mask?" he sighed, and a figure walked past the screen. She almost caught a glance of his face, as much as she wanted to rip it off and remind, he was handsome, she sat idly waiting for him to be comfortable with her. "Ok see you soon!" the boy quickly moved into the camera screen waving.

Shizu stood outside the shop, waiting quietly to herself, she was swaying her bag in front of her to pass the time. "Were you waiting long?" The girl looked up towards the limb, her eyes wide with delight as she stepped back to admire Shoji in his casual wear. The boy just stood there awkwardly not knowing how to handle this kind of attention, "So handsome" She whispered, and he placed his big hand on the top of her head ruffling her hair. She was like a cat the way she closed her eyes and smiled accepting the pet. "Should we go and pick out snacks, then go back to mine?" the boy nodded, and the pair walked into the shop.

As the pair observed the food on the shelves, they both couldn't decide, I don't mind was thrown around too many times to count. "Right," She sighed looking up "We both pay half, for snacks we like and if we want to try them at home, we try them" Shoji nodded, and the pair walked in opposite directions. Shizu placed another item in her basket, smiling at the thought of him eating it. Suddenly she stopped as she stared at him reading the back of a box, if he eats with her his mask will need to be off. Her gaze fell to his muscular arms, she stared at the mouth unsure if that's where he would eat from. Then her gaze landed on the cashiers, they were staring at Shoji talking amongst themselves. Shizu's eyes squinted, she wasn't the smartest, but she could tell when girls were being bitchy, "I'd die if I had that quirk" one of them said, the other woman nodded "It's such an ugly quirk" Shizu found her feet moving as she stepped towards the women.

Their demeanour broke as they smiled at the girl, "Good afternoon-!"

"Who are you" the cashiers looked at each other confused "Sorry the way you were talking it was like you were talking it was like you were professional doctors who know quirks" the pair stared at Shizu in surprise "are you doctors?" the cashier opened her mouth to speak but was cut off "You too are so ugly judging over people on their quirks, have you ever spoken to him?"


"Then how can you sit behind that counter and bitch?"

"It's an opinion" one woman tried to defend.

"Opinion? No, it's your ugly ideals on life, we are all different and beautiful, then we have ugly bitches like you who bring it down"

"Who are you calling ugly" one of them cut in

"Yeah, it hurt didn't it" they both jumped seeing her glare in her eyes, she threw her basket down on the counter in front of the pair. "You're freaks for thinking that your higher than everyone, your sat in a supermarket while he's going to be saving fucking lives" she turned on her heel looking at Shoji. He was stunned to silence, she stepped towards him, grabbing his shopping, and throwing it to the floor.

Shoji allowed her to lead him away, he stared down at her petit hand that was holding his, ever so slightly trembling. She stopped once out of the shops sight, letting out a deep breath and shaking her hands, "Wow that was scary"

"You didn't have to do that"

"No, I did!" she cupped his face "You are handsome, and your quirk is amazing" She spoke staring deeply into his eyes. His cheeks burned hot from where she was cupping them "I don't like liars, especially when it comes to people, I care about" Shoji flinched slightly and she pulled her hands away "Oh, I'm sorry we didn't actually get any snacks"

"No, it's fine, I'm happy just spending time with you" the girl was holding her hands anxiously, but the moment those words really hit her she stared up at the man, smiling as her shoulders relaxed. "Come on, my house is just down here"

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