I'm Deaf

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The class was filled with loud voices of everyone introducing themselves, except for a small group who all just sat in their own comfortable silence. Amongst that group sat a white-haired boy, his face half covered with a mask, fuelling the 'antisocial' urge. However, he wasn't antisocial he just learnt how to keep to himself and was comforted in his own silence. "Class 1A" a voice called, pulling the attention to the front of the room. A ragged looking man stood at the front of the class, his gaze observing all the kids as they scrambled to their seats. "Before I introduce myself, I'd like to introduce another student who will need your help this year" The man's gaze fell outside the door, and he blinked a few times until a head poked round the corner. A girl stared at the class, her cheeks flushed red almost matching the colour of her ruby eyes, she quickly gazed back at the teacher.

"UA is becoming a wider range school, accepting of anyone" the girl slowly stepped into the room, and the class gasped as her wings shone holographic in the light of the sun. However, she didn't react she squinted her eyes focusing on the man speaking "I'm not singling her out, but considering she'll need your help this year it is needed" He looked towards her and nodded, she flinched slowly turning her gaze to the class and back up to the man. She huffed out a breath of air, holding her shoulders high, and closing her eyes she finally mustered the courage. "I'm deaf, so please speak clearly so that I can read your lips" the class all began to mutter but the girl's eyes filled with panic. As she tried to watch everyone's lips, but it stopped as she fell on a very tall boy in her class. He flinched when her gaze softened as she stared at him, she looked down at his mask her eyebrows twitching in disappointment somehow.

Tapping on her shoulder, made her flinch as she turned around to look up at the man introducing her "I said, go find your seat" she turned again scanning the room, her seat was next to the tall white-haired boy. She nodded and slowly made her way to the seat.

Later that day, the white-haired boy was on his way to leave, packing his bag he then stood up. A hand tapped his shoulder, he turned and gazed at the pink haired woman who was smiling at him. "Your quirk looks so cool" The man moved his arm showing where his mouth was. "Uhm, thank you" Her eyes widened, and her smile grew at the sight of his quirk "Woah how did you" She then began to circle him, and he followed her gaze "Wow, your handsome" His eyes widened, and his cheeks flushed. Finding himself thanking himself for wearing a mask. The girls gaze fell to his mask, and she tilted her head, fearful she was going to ask to take it off he held his hand out "I'm Shoji" he quickly interrupted

"Shogi?" She spoke and he shook his head, pronouncing it again and slower. "Shoji?" The girl questioned, he nodded his head, and she clapped her hands "Sorry about that, I lost my hearing at a young-ish age and still struggle with some pronunciation of words" Shoji shook his head

"You shouldn't have to apologise" She smiled and shrugged

"I'm Shizu" Shoji bowed slightly and then pulled his bag over his shoulder, she quickly followed obviously hoping to follow with him. "So which way do you go-"

"I heard you got in on recommendation!" A girl stepped towards her, with a sophisticated smile. "What...school...recommended...you" She spoke slowly, Shizu looked at her doubtfully shaking her head "Why are you speaking like that"

"Oh, my apologises" the girl quickly explained "I'm Momo Yaoyorozu" Shizu's gaze moved to observe her posture then back to her lips. "No school recommended me" She smiled. The girl in front of her brows furrowed slight, and she stared doubtfully down at her "Then you family paid for you?"

"No, I don't have a family" the class all stopped packing suddenly, the room was laced with awkwardness as they all moved their gazes to Momo. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to..."

"Don't be" Shizu chirped pulling her bag up over her shoulder, Shoji watched as she stepped out the room, his gaze moving to Momo. She was walking away from her desk, rubbing her neck sighing heavily while muttering to herself. The man then began to quickly step out of class, soon falling into step with the girl. He didn't say anything, and she didn't notice his presence. Letting out a loud sigh she looked down, startled by the feet next to her she moved away. He waved awkwardly, the girl didn't say anything as she stared up at him, she smiled and then began to walk again.

Many days later, the class had happily got to know each other, and migrated into their groups. However, Shizu didn't feel like being held down to a group, everyone all knew her and were all so respectful of her. All Might was leading the class and 1B stood beside them. Shizu put her hand up, he nodded "It's hard to read your lips when you're talking like that"

"Like what?" silence was all that was answered, Shoji moved his arm in front of her face shifting it into a mouth. She looked up into his eyes and he smiled with them, she smiled back and then watched as the mouth mimed what All Might was saying.

The class all had a slight idea of what quirks they had but didn't really see them in action like this. Shizu was tasked to fight Shinsou, All Might putting them together due the similarity in the sound of their names. Shinsou stood at the side of the pitch, sighing "I'm meant to use my quirk when she can't hear me"

"I can hear you" She pointed to her lips

"You can?" She nodded her head and the boy scowled at her, All Might raised his hand so that Shizu could see and then shouted "Start!" The girl simply walked towards him. Watching the boy observe her, "Can I help you" Her eyes were wide and curious. The boy sighed and then braced, throwing a punch, she caught his fist. Her other hand snaked to cup his cheek, she moved her face closer a kiss on his cheek, suddenly he stopped fighting. She let go of him wiping her hands together, "What's your quirk?"

"Mind control" He answered, "If you answer my question, I can control you" The girl nodded her head, and then smiled "Get off the court" the boy turned around and began to walk away. "Your quirk is better than mine, sorry you were paired with me" She smiled. When he stepped off the court All Might waved his hands to say that it was over. Shinsou gasped, quickly turning around "Your quirk is like mine" he questioned, the girl smiled at him, and he sighed nudging All Might.

"It might be worth just explaining your quirk"

"It's my saliva, it has properties that will make anyone crave me and follow my every command" She chirped "Although saying it out loud must sound very weird" she rubbed the back of her neck "Plus if the person is in a mutual love it can cause a lasting effect, but I won't go into that" Her wings were closed behind her back, that was the only thing Shoji was focusing on. His gaze moved to Deku as he began writing down and muttering about her quirk.

School was over, Shizu waved Shoji goodbye her hand dropped, and she stepped down the road. Waiting till she reached an alley way she turned in, a figure moved into the same alleyway. He stopped in surprise after she wasn't in his sight. Suddenly a leg kicked him, and he flew into the wall next to him, dazed and dizzy he groaned in pain. The girl stepped closer, her leg slammed next to him making a mechanical 'clink' and he jumped. "Following me, why?"

"I wasn't following you, you psycho" the girl tilted her head, her gaze was wide and that made it menacing. The girl shoved him against the wall, her leg stayed by his head while her hands roamed his pockets. Pulling out a phone, she noticed the camera app was still up. Swiping through the pictures of her and her school friends, including the wave goodbye. She kicked the man as she saw Shoji's face. The man flinched but instead was met with a kiss "Explain now" she ordered, giving him back the phone after explaining.

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