What's Wrong With Me Staying With You?

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"What do you call this!" Shoji's mum called and Shoji flinched, the girl grumbled snuggling her face into his chest "I trusted you" the boy held his hand to his lips then pointed to her eyes. They were red and puffy from crying to sleep, she stopped her whispering shouts and pressed her lips together. "Did she see your face" he shook his head, she huffed out a sigh, turning on her heel in anger.

The boy let out a grateful sigh, then turned his gaze to his mask on the side, he reached his hand out to get it. But the feeling of the missing limbs keeping Shizu warm stirred her awake, she rubbed her eyes sitting up slowly, finally she slowly rested her gaze on him. They stared at each other for a moment before she screamed throwing herself off the bed and covering her eyes. Shoji took this time to finally grab the mask placing it on his face, "I promise I didn't see anything!" she shouted "Well, maybe some of it" she contradicted, and the boy tapped her hands with the backs of his fingers. She slowly but finally looked up at the boy, his mask was on his face, now she found her gaze on his bed hair. She chuckled and stood up "Your bed hair is very cute" she chirped, and he only looked away trying to smooth it out. Shizu's hair was naturally curly, and her unbrushed curls were a mess behind her, but it didn't ruin her appearance to Shoji. He was happy to wake up a couple more days with her.

They both got ready, and walked into class together, the class were all in conversations with each other that they didn't notice the silent duo. Midoriya gave his usual wave to Shizu, and she gaze her wave back. Before she sat down 'I can't do it' Shoji noticed her sign and looked up at her face, he furrowed his brows 'yes you can' he signed back 'they can help and give you a room' his sign was broken and wrong, but she could put the bits together. She sighed 'But they'll ask me questions of who it was'

'Then answer' Shizu scowled at the boy shaking her head 'Someone is giving you a warning; they'd like to know why you're in danger'

'It's safer if they don't know, besides what's wrong with me staying with you' Shoji's eyes widened as it all seemed to click in his head. This girl was like a treasure chest, locked with so many secrets, but a cursed chest. If he were to open it, would it threaten his life? Would it put her in danger? He sighed 'I enjoy your company, but I can't sleep on the floor all the time, just tell them they can help'

'I said no'


"Are you arguing" the boy flinched, the class were now all staring at the duo, Shizu turned her gaze to the class after noticing him. "No, we're not fighting" Shoji answered 'They're asking if we are fighting'

"We are" Shizu answered, and he shot her a glare. She just stared up at him, and then signed back at him 'We are, aren't we'

'No, we're trying to discuss something' she squinted her eyes at him, and just looked away in a huff. 'I'll think about it' her gaze landed on the window next to her, however in her peripheral vision Bakugo signed 'Just tell them' She turned and looked at him. 'Leave it out'

'It sounds serious' the class watched in astonishment as they all communicated silently. Shizu pushed her chair out, with a loud grunt and then stepped out of the class. Shoji moved his gaze to Bakugo 'She's telling them' His eyes widened, he had forgotten that Bakugo was originally the one who scribed for her. Why did he manage to convince her, and he couldn't?

Shizu sat down in principles Nezu's office, her hands crossed over her chest angrily "I've got this device that will scribe what I'm saying" a screen flashed up with subtitles to what he was saying "I made it myself, so I could aid students like you" she smiled at his kindness and then sighed.

"My house got broken into yesterday"

"Oh" Shizu just shrugged her shoulders "You live alone, don't you? Are you staying at a family members for the time being?"

"I don't have a family" Shizu muttered "But I'm staying at Mezo Shoji's for the time being, he's the one who told me to tell you" The principle nodded his head "They didn't take anything, they just left everything in a mess"

"That's not good" he muttered, and the girl nodded her head, leaning back on the chair "Shoji checked through the house, but I was scared of them putting a camera in or something, so I'm at his"

"We can offer you a dorm room, until you get back on your feet" he suggested "And the staff can collect your stuff if you don't feel comfortable"

"It was a warning" Shizu cut in, her gaze not even on the screen. He furrowed his brows "A warning?"

"That's all I'm comfortable saying" the man squinted his eyes at the girl, then he sighed "I'll have them move your stuff, you'll be watched in the UA dorms" The girl nodded standing up and pushing the chair in "Valen" She stopped after reading her last name on the page "What an interesting last name"

"The more you dig the more you'll know" she turned around and looked over her shoulder at the teacher, her gaze was icy and sharp enough to cut him "The more you know the more they'll need to silence" the principle kept his composure until she turned and left the room. He sighed suddenly, nodding his head his suspicions almost being confirmed.

Lunch had rolled in, Shizu was eating with Shoji and his small group, she hadn't muttered a word to the group. They could feel her cold emotions, radiating from her. As she bit into a carrot, her gaze was out of it, not her normal wide-eyed curiosity. Shoji just sighed and looked towards her, she glanced at him for a second before returning to look at her food. Suddenly she stopped eating, just poking the rest of it with her carrot stick.

This behaviour carried on all day, Shizu didn't eat even half her lunch, she looked out the window the entire time in class. So, she couldn't read the lips of anyone around her. She just wasn't being herself. As everyone packed to leave, Shoji jumped suddenly, the girl was basically racing to leave. He looked towards the door then towards Tokoyami, the boy nodded his head. The boy quickly followed after her, and Tokoyami collected the rest of his stuff.

Calling out to her, she didn't turn, obviously she wouldn't. He finally reached for her shoulder, and she turned around, her gaze was angry before it softened ever so slightly staring at him. She grunted and then shrugged his hold off, turning away again. This time he grabbed her wrist. Finally, she stopped, she let out a big sigh. He tugged at her in silence wanting her to look towards him, she was composing herself. Turning around finally her hands trembled "What's wrong with me staying with you"

"There's not enough room for the both of us" he answered softly, pulling her away from the school gates. Sitting at a bench in a quiet part of campus. "I feel safe with you, your warm and safe" she muttered as they finally sat down, he just stared down at her, his lips parting from under his mask. "But I can't protect you" he whispered "I can't be by your side forever"

"I want you to" she cut in, her gaze fierce in his eyes. He only paused what he was saying, and stared nervously back into her eyes, they were filled with sorrow, yet determination mixed in with it. "I wish you didn't make me tell him" She muttered looking down at the ground "He worked it out" Tears glistened in her eyes, just waiting to fall. "I never asked to be born into a gang, I never asked for him to use me as a weapon" she began to manically spout. Shoji wanted to grab her and bring her in tightly, shushing her, but he felt like he couldn't. If he wanted to protect her, he needed to know why she was being warned. She looked up at him, her hands slowly moved to his, her pinkie slowly lifting to curl with his. However, he grabbed it tightly "I want to tell you everything, but I want to keep you safe" she placed her head on his chest. "Shoji" she muttered, he just wrapped his hands around her, concealing the pair in darkness.

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