I Don't Value Our Friendship

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Stars scattered the pitch-black sky, Shizu stared at it until a voice snapped her out of it. "Do you want to try music or films first?" she looked down at the CD's he was holding, she tilted her head reading the name of the CD. She was still silent as she pointed to the CD "What's it about"

"My mum said its good, it's a romance I think" she nodded her head and then he looked up to her "You want to watch that?" she smiled at him. They both sat in the sitting room, Shoji's mother joined them for a small while questioning Shizu about the hearing aids, and about her own voice. Soon to be ushered out by Shoji, he finally started the movie. Midway through his gaze finally tore from the screen to Shizu, she was staring at him "You need to watch the screens to understand movies" she didn't answer. She stood up, the man looked at her in confusion, she stepped closer and then sat herself down in his lap. "S-Shizu!" she didn't reply she was watching the movie, Shoji shuffled slightly. She fell to the chair, but his legs rested beside hers and his arms were on her legs. "God" he muttered, and she turned around looking at him "What's wrong?"

"Well," he paused "This isn't something you normally do with a friend, especially a guy friend" she smiled towards him resting her back against his chest. Turning her gaze back to the screen, Shoji moved a hand over his mouth. His mask was on hiding his face, but by God he needed that hand to keep his cool.

"Can we do this every night?" the movie had finally finished "I like the sound of your breathing mixed with the movie" the boy flinched, dropping the remote. He shot his gaze to the girl, staring at him confused "You can't just say stuff like that Shizu!" he called out, his hand fell over his eyes to cover them. Resulting in his whole face to be hidden, she tilted her head "Why not? It's the truth" the man just looked away folding the blanket they ended up using. "I like hearing your breathing, and how your chest raises and lowers"

"We can do it again tomorrow night" he muttered "But maybe not sat how we were tonight" she furrowed her brows. He looked at her confused yet hurt face, "Shizu you confuse me"

"I do?"

"Your actions suggest that we're more than friends, but you always say how you value our friendship"

"I don't value our friendship"

"And then when other people look at us, they think we're a cou..." the man paused and looked towards the woman looking up at him. "My heart aches whenever you call us friends, so no I don't value our friendship" Her feelings were so genuine, and her voice was so delicate. He just stared back at her in confusion "You" he paused, swallowing deeply "Your heart aches?"

"That's what I said yes" Shoji was still silent, and the girl stared up at him waiting for his answer. His chest was filled with the warmth of joy, he'd dreamed of this moment, but why was he stuttering. Why was he struggling to ask the question? "I'm tired" The girl got up and then made her way to his room "Do you think I should wear these to bed?" Shoji didn't answer, the girl looked up at him. He was trembling slightly, suddenly he stepped towards her, he grabbed her hand pulling her into a tight hug. "Mine too"

"Yours too?" she whispered, and he pulled away, his look said it all. His eyes were filled to the brim with affection for the girl, she looked up into his eyes and then smiled. "So, can we be more than friends now" the man didn't know how to respond so he just looked away, nodding slowly. She smiled, reaching up pecking his cheek quietly. He widened his eyes rubbing his cheek, and she only smiled up at him "It won't work on you" his brows furrowed "I'll explain one day"

Tokoyami sat next to his friend during lunch time, Shizu was whisked away with Mina who was slowly trying to introduce her to the loud noises of the cafeteria. Shoji was watching as Mina held her arms taking small steps into the hall, "You're not even listening" the boy flinched and looked down at his friend. Ojiro turned and looked over his shoulder then back to Tokoyami "It's because his lovers over their"

"She told you" The pair fell into silence as they both slowly moved their gazes to their big companion. "Finally," Ojiro muttered falling back into his seat, Tokoyami however was waving his friend side to side asking him for details. "Uh, well she asked last night, after we watched a movie together" the boys cheered. Shizu looked towards the table, her smile softening as Shoji and his mates were all happily messing about. "Did I tell you; you were glowing today?" the girl looked towards her friend who was slowly walking back with her, she shook her head "Yeah, you have this sort of lovers glow" she paused "Did you and Shoji, skip to stage 10?" The girl pulled her hands from her friend in shock. Quickly using them to portray her message of 'No'

"We just kind of confessed last night" Mina squealed and then jumped up and down in front of her. "Tell me everything!" Mina forgot everything about the cafeteria noise and began to drag Shizu away.

The word of the new couple quickly spread around the classroom, Shizu was sat quietly looking down at a book, trying to calm her trembling at the sudden loud noises. "Shizu" she looked up, Midoriya was stood in front of her, his gaze seemed almost distant. "What's up"

"Talk" he muttered pointing to outside of the class, it was a free period so normally Shizu and Shoji would just sit and study together. However, Shoji was held up with training with Ojiro, she was sat alone. She stood up following the boy, her eyes squinted slightly as he walked in front of her. Finally, they stopped outside, no one was here, but it wasn't hidden. "Why did we have to go far for a talk?" she questioned, the boys gaze lost all its light.

"This isn't fair on Shoji" the girl's eyes widened as she tilted her head. "Does he know about him?" finally realisation set in, and her face dropped into a almost scowl. This face was a rare one that only certain people would see, but it sent a cold sweat down Midoriya's back. "Considering your scared about knowing too much, you sure are pushing your nose in it"

"So, he doesn't know?" a cool calm smile met her lips, as she smirked at the man in front of her. "Do you really want to know?"

"It's unfair on Shoji, you have a man you're leading on for information, while your boyfriend doesn't know anything about him"

"Why would I tell him?" she leaned in, causing the boy to lean back in fear "I told you already, the more you know the more danger your life will be in" the boy swallowed "Why would I want to put the person I love in that much danger?" Midoriya stepped back thinking about his words "Why would you build a relationship on lies" Shizu gasped, her eyes wide as she leaned back. "Does he even know which is the real Shizu? Does he even know theirs this side to you" Shizu stared at the boy, then turned on her heel. She had enough.

As she stepped away, her steps faltered and her hands shakingly moved up to her hearing aids. She quickly scrambled to pull them from her ears, her breathing was ragged, and each breath was harder and tighter. She finally ripped the hearing aids from her ears and tried to let out a sigh in relief. "Shizu?" a voice called, noticing her state as she stumbled away. When she didn't turn that's when his gaze fell to her hands, they were almost white with how hard they were holding her aids. She dropped to her knees, clutching her chest. Dread filled the man as he sprinted to her side. His hands touched her, but she quickly smacked them off. "Shizu, it's me" he called moving to be in her sight, she inhaled quickly as her teary eyes met his. "Breathing" she sucked in air "Hard"

"Your just panicking" he called out, slowly reaching his hands to her again. She quickly threw herself into his chest, his warmth comforting her. Following the rise of his chest to bring her back down to earth, Midoriya watched from afar. His gaze was conflicted as he turned to leave, leaving the two together. Both of her sides needed Shoji.

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