Because Your Beautiful

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Meanwhile on the ground, Bakugo had jumped in taking down the warp villain, as Kirishima was slowly making his way to take down the other villain from behind. After Kirishima is caught, his gaze moved to the water where he retreated to the side of. His eyes go wide as he notices the figure in it, the red liquid that surrounded her body causes him to dive into the water shouting her name. Bakugo looks towards his classmate, when suddenly the Nomu is in front of him prepared to hit him. He jumps back when All Might hits the Nomu away, it staggers back slightly. It's gaze lands to the water behind it, watching briefly as the classmate swims for the other one begging him to come for her. All Might throws another punch only for it to be grabbed by the Nomu, he begins to twist his arm. Trying to throw another punch that one is caught again, Todoroki stepped closer only to stop when he noticed Kirishima emerging from the water and looking towards him.

"Stop playing with your food and kill him" The villain orders, and the Nomu begins twisting his arms quicker. Suddenly ice builds behind him, a woman appears from the water planting a kiss on the Nomu's cheek "Sleep" she whispers and the creature collapses onto the ground. When she lands on the ground, she looks up at All Might holding a thumbs up before collapsing into his arms, "Can someone get my leg" Kirishima is now running out the water, grabbing the girl "Go get them!" He orders and turns to see them quickly retreating. All Might is quick to run to them only just missing them.

"I'm sorry" she mutters, the boy sets her down, telling her she shouldn't be and how she was the main help in this whole thing. Stopping suddenly when he hears a thud behind him, looking over his shoulder to see the drenched girl unconscious. "I've got her" Shoji muttered stepping towards her, he picked her upholding her in is arms. A smile paired with blush crept onto her face, as she snuggled her face into his chest. "I've got her leg..." Kirishima chirped, pausing when he realised what he said, "I didn't even know her leg was fake," he rambled walking next to Shoji "Did you" the boy nodded, and he stared at the boy with wide eyes. "Wait how long have you known her?!"

"The same time as you" They ascended the stairs and, the boy held a hand up to his chin thinking. "You're a lot closer to her though" he muttered "Plus she hangs out with everyone, but she only sits and dedicates time to you" The boy smiled and then turned a gaze onto the white-haired boy. He side eyed the red head, confused as why he was smirking at him "Is this our first cc"


"Campus couple"

"Who's dating?" Mina questioned, her gaze landed on the man walking up the stairs, with the girl cuddling into his neck. "You and Shizu are dating!" She called out causing all the class to turn their attention, the boy shook his head "No we're not!"

"That makes sense, she does always stare at him" Asui muttered, and the boy stood their confused with his unconscious 'lover' in his arms.

Pink hair was lazily strewn out on a white cushion, with bandaged wings disturbing them. The girls' eyes scrunched closed as she made a small noise, her hand reached up to her head, rubbing her eyes. She sat up, confused as to where she was, a blue curtain stretched around her room, concealing her in. Her gaze landed on someone, it wasn't just her being concealed, a man sat on a chair his many arms folded, his eyes closed. "Is it not uncomfortable sleeping with that mask" She questioned; the boy slowly fluttered his eyes open. His raven eyes rested on the girl, now tilting her head at him. His eyes widened, but he fought the want to tackle her back down to bed because he was so happy to see her ruby eyes staring back, he ruffled his hair "How long have you been up?"

"Just woke up" she answered, slouching back into her bed "Although I wish that I didn't wake you" the boy furrowed his brows at her voice, extending his arm in front of her face. "Why didn't you want me to wake up?" she smiled and looked towards him, her eyes were so pure and filled with hope "Because your beautiful" the boy sighed, he should've seen that one coming. "I hear voices" A nurse muttered, pulling the curtain open, her blonde hair glistened in the wind as it swept open. Her wings were wide and feathery, but her eyes were hidden by her fringe "We died!?" Shizu called out, the woman just sighed

"Glad to see your awake" She stepped towards Shizu, finally examining her.

"Your wings are a lot harder to heal then your skin, I don't think my tears work on wings, which is good to know" The girl was talking slowly making sure the girl could hear, the door to the room opened, the boy's eyes widened, and he turned around "Tamaki, your early" she chirped. She chased after him, holding her hands behind her back. "Sorry Jona, I thought you were finished now" she nodded her head "I was but then there was an incident at USJ" the guy's eyes widened as he looked over "No way she was in the USJ incident" the boy looked over quickly moving his gaze away at her wide gaze, the girl grabbed his arm and sat him down pulling the curtain. "Sorry about that"

"No, I'm sorry I made you late for your date"

"We're not going on a date!" She yelped holding her hands over her cheeks and then smiled thinking about it "Really? But you two were acting like a couple" The girl just shook her head quickly, "You're like a mini cupid, kid"

After they left the pair just looked up at each other, Tamaki's cheeks were always in a shade of pink as everything flustered him, but this time Jona's matched his "That made me so flustered when she said she ruined her date"

"I don't know" Jona muttered, the boy looked at the girl as she turned around, she could basically hear his cries "Why don't we make it one" she paused and looked into his eyes "I wouldn't mind" she smiled leaning in, suddenly the door flew open. "Did you deal with the Shizu kid" Recovery girl questioned; the pair couldn't separate themselves any quicker "Grandma!"

Shizu and Shoji walked side by side "I think that they'll start dating, like a campus couple"

"Class said we're that"

"A campus couples?" Shizu muttered after Shoji nodded his head, she leaned forwards looking at him directly in his eyes "I don't mind being called that" She chirped, the smile on her lips so genuine. Shoji's eyes widened as he stopped and stared at her in awe, she finally stopped walking, turning to look at him. His blush was covered by his mask, but his fear of her hearing his heartbeat was immense. However, her gaze moved from over his shoulder, her eyes lost their sparkle almost growing into a scowl. He followed her gaze but didn't see anything "God I'm exhausted" Her chirpy voice broke the silence; he switched his head around to see that expression gone. He half considered that he saw it in his head. "I should probably head my way now" Shoji nodded waving the girl goodbye.

Turning on her heel her expression dropped, she looked over her shoulder slightly at the man following her. She stopped outside a parking lot, staring into it to examine the amount of people in there. Suddenly hands wrapped around her shoulders, she looked angrily up at the man behind her. Shrugging him off "What are you doing following me"

"You're all over the news" The man smiled picking up a piece of her hair and holding it up to his smirking lips "I missed you even more, but I had to keep my cool because he was watching it with me" Her eyes widened, and she looked up into his eyes angrily "Tell me more" she ordered

"Kiss me, and then I will" she grabbed his collar pulling the man inside. However, a certain student was returning from doing his shopping, his eyes widened as he saw Shizu, last he saw her she was unconscious. He stepped happily towards her until he saw her gaze, it didn't match her face, it was filled with hatred and fire. His footsteps slowed, she looked around before grabbing the man by the collar and pulling him into the car park "She's going to fight someone during recovery!" he shouted quickly moving to go stop the fight.

Stopping in his tracks as he watched her be pushed up against a wall as a man kissed her heavily, "Hey leave her alone" the man pulled away suddenly looking at the boy quickly running over, Shizu followed only just in time to see Midoriya punching the lights out of the man in front of her. She stared in shock for a bit before laughing.

(Woah who's Jona, and why is she going on a date with Tamaki, almost like I'm hinting another Bnha story,,, if I ever finish it)

Cupid Can Love Too {Bnha OC insert}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя