Shoji Shoji Shoji

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She gazed up at him, and then looked around, his eyes switched down as if motioning her to his mask. She looked down at it slowly, and then placed her hands on the top seams of it "Take it off?" he nodded his head. The girl slowly pulled it down, her eyes shone with stars as she sat back and admired him. She slowly lifted her hands reached up, carefully tracing the line of his jaw. He stared at her awkwardly waiting for a response, "Was this your way of calming me down?" she chuckled "By showing me your handsome face" his eyes widened, she still found him handsome! He couldn't stop the smile and blush that was spreading on his face "It was to talk to you, without the world watching, but if you really want that to be the reason, I won't fight you on it" She chuckled reading his lips and caught his cheeks "I want to know what your voice sounds like" she muttered. Her eyes dropped to her knees as she looked down "I used to hear, now I can only remember what 2 voices sounded like" she whispered, turning her head to look at Shoji "Can I tell you how I became deaf" the boy's eyes widened

"O-only if you're comfortable" she chuckled shuffling closer to the man in front of her, "You have me wrapped in your big arms and are asking me if I'm comfortable" she just chuckled, and he smiled at her face. Her cheeks glistened from the old tears, and she finally took a deep breath. "I'm sure that knowing this story won't put you in danger" she muttered, the man tightened his arms around her, she was so scared of something she never really understood. "When I was younger the woman who raised me died, she left me in a house fire taking the money and running leaving me under the rubble" she paused slightly "Wait I ended up telling you my leg story" she murmured as she rested her head on his chest, looking down at her false leg hidden by her tights. "You lost your leg in a fire?" she nodded her head, still refusing to meet his gaze

"Well, the stuff that fell on me in the house fire caused me to lose it" she sighed "It was just another opportunity for him" she shuffled closer "Anyway one day I was disagreeing with him, and I was walking away from him, that's all I remembered" he furrowed his brows as she finally looked up into his eyes "That man had bashed my head in with a plant pot, it didn't kill me but it stopped me from hearing" the girl smiled "It took away his power over me"

"Who, the man who raised you?" she nodded her smile only grew purer, as she leaned into the man "He's in prison, finally but his gang are still around waiting for him" Shoji stared at this woman in front of him. He really didn't know anything about her, his heart seemed to shatter, he had thought her smile and the glisten in her eyes were genuine. But they were all a big mask to hide what laid beneath, the stink of death and blood. His arms fell from around her, she looked around as the light finally seeped in. He didn't know what parts of this woman were real or fake, and he could never hate her for it. It's not like she could walk around with a big sign saying 'I have trauma, my parents tried to kill me' but his heart was now a tangled mess. Did this façade truly like him or was it just to hide her trauma. "Shoji" he kind voice snapped him out of it, she was furrowing as she stared up at him "you look concerned, or maybe scared" she muttered, leaning in closer. He leaned back, her breath was ghosting his face, "I want you to stay at mine" he muttered. Pulling his mask back on, she widened her eyes "You want me to stay with you"

"I think I do" his mask was now pulled up and his limbs were now expressing his emotions "To protect others, you've made this character almost" her eyes widened "I don't blame and won't judge you for it, I just don't know if that character likes more the true Shizu"

"Me neither" she whispered, she thought it wouldn't be in ear shot. However, the man just sighed after hearing it, he reached out his hand "Well, I think mum's cooking will make the true Shizu love her" she smiled and took his hand.

The pair sat in a class, both of them were looking awkward. Shizu's leg was bouncing as she tried to calm herself down, "Now I don't know if these truly work" Mei finally came back holding out some small earpieces "If they don't then that's fine, I can fix them, it's just hard to test when you know I can hear" the chuckled but the pair just stared blankly. Laughing awkwardly, she held them out, "You put them in like your other hearing aids" she nodded then left the room. Shizu had made it very very obvious from the start when she came in, she didn't want to hear voices, unless it was Shoji's. How did she make it obvious? Her only questions were 'can I hear Shoji talk first? I want to talk to Shoji first. Can you leave after they're in?' the man was all shades of blush. She was non-stop about him. He looked towards her; he didn't know if yesterday's talk was the reason, but she hadn't left his side once all day. She almost cried when Shoji shot her down for not joining her in bed last night.

Looking up into his raven eyes, she looked down and then began to put them in her ears. "Wait do we need to turn them on?" Shoji grabbed her head bringing her closer to search for the button, only silence answered. "Shizu?" he finally let go of her head. She slowly looked up her eyes wide, nodding her head she signed 'Again' he furrowed his brows. 'Say my name again'

"Shizu?" she leaned closer, nodding her head telling him to repeat himself "Can you hear me?" The girl smiled brightly. She was almost on his lap and nodded her head. When her eyes closed tears rolled from them. "Oh Shizu!" He gasped as he cupped her cheeks wiping away her tears, she just sobbed happily. 'happy' she signed, and the man lowered his head to stare into her eyes "You can talk" her face filled with realisation. She opened her mouth, but then shut it again. The man continued to rub the tears from her cheeks, "It's fine, you can take your time"

"Shoji" she muttered, and the man looked back towards her "Shoji" she chirped. Her face squinted slightly "That's not what I thought my voice sounded like" he laughed at her words, and she smiled up at him "I like your voice" she chirped, and the man just shook his head. He pulled her in hugging her tightly, she allowed him for a bit until, she finally reached up hugging him back "Shoji, Shoji, Shoji" she repeated. The man pulled away, holding her arms "Ok you can stop now" she giggled. A door opened and the pair both turned to look at it, "I'll take the tears as a they work" Mei smiled, fist pumping the air "I just cured someone from being deaf"

"Thank you!" the girl chirped, but Mei only waved her hand. She moved to sit at the table in front of the two "I wouldn't thank me yet, you still have to prepare you to hear for the festival" the woman fell back on the desk "Although I'm very excited to show off my hard work" Shizu however was now not listening. She plucked the aids from her ears; Shoji grabbed her hand looking up at her. Her gaze wavered as it looked back at him, almost a shade of relief washed over him, she was finally showing her emotions to him. "Thank you, Mei," she spoke again, the woman held her hand up.

As they walked into class the teacher greeted them "Do they work Shizu?" she didn't answer, but her gaze was still filled with happiness and hope. Shoji looked towards the man, holding up the hearing aids and nodding, he looked down at Shizu "It would be smart she got used to the sound of the classroom, everyone's loud, so it's kind of like the festival" Shoji nodded his head watching her take her seat, her gaze turned to the different people trying to talk to her. "I think I'm going to start her with movies, then slowly work up into it" the man shrugged his shoulders, he cared but not that much. "Oh and, they're collecting Shizu's belongings tomorrow, so she'll be off your hands soon." Shoji didn't reply he just stepped towards his desk, Shizu looked towards him 'Is it loud?'

'It's tame for an afternoon lesson' he signed back the girl nodded her head, before her gaze moved behind her as she looked at all the lips moving. Shoji reached out to grab her, she looked up at him "You'll be ok" she nodded her head.

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