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I woke up with a tickling sensation. I opened my eyes to find Michael nuzzling into my bare stomach. Last night Michael hasn't wasted a second in exploring me, devouring me, worshipping me and pleasuring me. I'm not complaining though. I too missed him a lot. A lot, I say. And I too communicated the same with my actions. 

I looked at the time and noticed that we were later than usual. Landon might be here at any second. 

I looked down at Michael who was actually saying something with my stomach. I chuckled.

"What are you doing?"

He raised his head to look up at me, "Can you feel it? The baby?" He asked eagerly, caressing my belly. I just have a very small bump. 

"Not yet." 

He pouted. He then kissed my belly so gently. That's what he has been doing since last night. Though I know how he feels about kids, this behaviour of his is making my heart go crazy. 

"When do you know about the baby?" He asked.

"Just a few days back."

His expression suddenly turned sad, "we could have known about this news together."

My heart broke into a piece. We could have. If I hadn't left. 

"Why hadn't you come soon, Mia??" I looked into his blue eyes which were almost glassy.

I sighed, "The news came as a shock for me too, Mike. Never had I expected this. It felt… I.. thought…."

"You thought I wouldn't accept?" He asked and my eyes went wide. Shit! At one point of time I really thought that.

"How can you think that, Mia? Can't you see that I love you?" He asked and my heart skipped a beat. He loves me? 

Hadn't he said that in the interview?

But listening to him say that to me made my heart jump in excitement.

"Can't you see that I love you? How can you think that I won't accept our baby. Baby that's going to take birth from our love?" He asked and I sure as hell stopped breathing.

He loves me!!! Does he know that I love him? 

He sighed, "I do know that you love me." 

His statement threw me into shock, "How do you know?"

Sighing again, he rested his head on my belly, "Krish and Renee told me. And Sanju said that kids won't lie."

I chuckled. Sure kids won't lie. Letting my hands play with his silky strands, I whispered, "I love you."

"Would you have returned back if it's not for the baby?" He asked soberly. 

My heart broke but again I smiled remembering the things he has done for me, "How can I not come back when you declared to the whole world that it's only me who you cared about?" I asked in return and felt his lips curve into a smile against my belly.

"I wanted to come as soon as possible but suddenly I got this news. Everything felt so….."

He then sat straight and pulled me up and immediately crashed his lips on mine taking my breath away. 

He then flopped on his back and pulled me into him. Attacking my lips with a hungry kiss he woke up all my womanly parts with desire. After what felt like eternity, he released my lips and leaned his forehead against mine catching his breath.

He then turned around and pulled up the drawer beside the bed. He again turned towards me with a small box in his hand. 

My breathing stopped for a moment. I kept on staring at that box with a thumping heart. He slowly opened it and there sat the most beautiful ring I have ever laid my eyes on. 

Once upon a playboy ✓ (Spin-Off Of Far yet Closer)Where stories live. Discover now