I need to do

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– Michael –

"Is Mia back?" My fork froze in the middle of the air with Nina's question.

So far lunch has been entertaining with Mark and Matthew's senseless banters.

But with Nina's question the entire dining area fell silent.

"She isn't." Nina herself answered her question when she met with my silence.

"I don't know what's happening!!" She at once shrieked, scaring the shit out of me. So far I only met her gentle side. Looks like I should never wake up this side of hers. 

"She needs some time." I mumbled. I don't know how much more she does need but with each passing day it feels like I was being distanced from her. Which I never wanted to happen. 

The first and foremost reason I brought Mia to Seattle is that I wanted more time with her. When I know she won't accept that I made that deal.  

"How much?" Nina asked.

I just shrugged.

"Michael, what are you waiting for? You know where she is. Then why can't you just go and bring her back?" Nina asked as if I hadn't thought about that.

Many times I wanted to go to Mia and bring her back with me to the place where she belongs to but I needed to wait. She needs time. Everything is still not under control and I have no idea for how long it keeps on going.

"Mom, you know why she left in the first place. She doesn't want all this and even if she returns now they will again try to ruin everything." Mark tried to console her.

"But this is not how everything works. They don't have any right to poke in our businesses!!" She said firmly.

I chuckled. This is not just about Mia. It's Nina's anger that she is offloading. The news has also affected her. Why not? Media has also written about her. 

"As if they will listen if we say that." Matthew mumbled.

"They have to!" She again said firmly, punching the dining table with her fist. 

"Michael, why are you silent?" She screamed at me.

I jumped a little at her voice.

"What can I do?" I asked, dropping the fork down into my plate. I know I need to do something but what can I do?

"What do you mean by that? It's you who has to do something but instead you kept silent." 

I blinked my eyes at her.

Raising her forefinger, she said, "One, they have always been tarnishing your reputation but you kept silent." She then raised her middle finger, "Two, even after you were minding your business they again started doing the same and you were again silent." She now raised her ring finger, "Three, now they are after your woman and again you're being silent. What do you wish to do by staying silent all the time, Michael?" 

She demanded.

Her words froze my actions at once. I stayed silent. Yes, I stayed silent from the very start. Why had I stayed silent? Why haven't I shouted to the world that Mia is my woman? Why hadn't I said to them to shut their mouths? 

But trying to negotiate with them will not solve anything, right? They won't listen, right? What Mark said is also right? Even if she returns back they will again ruin everything. 

"Mom, you know them, they won't listen!" Mark stressed.

"But we have to do something. We can't sit silently like this. Silence is not the answer all the time, Mark." Nina said.

Once upon a playboy ✓ (Spin-Off Of Far yet Closer)Where stories live. Discover now