Date night

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All day I kept on pacing around the house, scolding myself. I know this is a huge mistake. A date with Michael? As enticing as it sounds, it is really a very very huge mistake.

That day when we came back from that camp I thought that would be the last day I would see or speak with him.

But when he actually knocked on my door yesterday, I was greeted with the greatest shock of my life.

He confirmed two things when he actually showed up at my door yesterday. One, he is actually looking forward to another moment with me and two, he still hasn’t got to know about my truths.

If he did, he wouldn’t have definitely taken a chance of another glance at me.

And now comes the million dollar question, why hasn’t he still got to know about my truths?

Because the last time I checked, when I was actually seen roaming with a person, he soon got to know about my truths but now it’s been hours and days but Michael is still not aware of them. Why?

2 years back I actually met a tourist at camp. He showed genuine interest in my paintings and we actually spent some quality time together at camp.

As soon as he was spotted with me, all my truths were spilled to him. I thought he would just walk away from me because he seemed kind but he hasn’t hesitated to take advantage of me.

Every time when I feel there are kind men, something has to happen like this. But still my heart won’t stop trusting men.

How can it stop when a marvellous person from the same Men clan has actually given birth to me.

How can it stop when a kind person from the same Men clan has actually saved me?

I sighed, since that incident I hadn’t exchanged even a glance with any of the local people nor the tourists.

But now with Michael, everything went ahead and I’m actually liking it.

One more thing why I hadn’t actually bothered to mingle with the local people is because I know that I will only end up hurting myself and I hate that.

Because in this whole world, I only have myself for me. Then why should I end up hurting myself?

But now the thought of hurting myself by interacting with Michael is not what actually hurting me, it’s the thought of hurting him. Yeah! In these few days he became so dear to me because I have never ever met a person like him.

That’s why I rejected his offer to stay with him and doing that has pained me but I made that choice for good.

Both for his good and also for my own good.

Now, he himself approached with a proposal of a date. How could I even reject him? And why can’t I reject him?

Oh!! There are many reasons.

One, I have never been to any date. Hell, no one asked me out on a date. Two, who in their right frame of mind will say no to Michael? Three, like every woman I too want to experience this. Don't I even deserve this? Four, Michael might not know my truth yet but he soon will know them.

Then I do need this last moment with him before he walks away from me, hating me.

I know, unlike the last man I exchanged a word, Michael won’t take advantage of me. I know that by the way he asked permission before claiming my lips.

My legs finally started hurting with the amount of pacing I did around the house.

So, I finally stopped in the living room and flopped on the couch.

Once upon a playboy ✓ (Spin-Off Of Far yet Closer)Where stories live. Discover now