Dear Martin

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Dear Martin,

It’s not you who should apologise to me. It’s me. It’s me who made the mistake. 

Ours was never a marriage of love. Love never existed between us but I respect you and trust you with my life.


Dad once told me that their marriage actually happened because of a family union. 


And I love my baby more than anything and anyone in this world but I was never there for him or for you. Time and time I kept forgetting that you too have needs and that needs includes me but again I was never there with you or with our baby at times of your needs.


It’s true that mom was never there with us. I knew that she loved me with all her heart but she was too occupied with her own life and career. It’s always dad who tended to my needs and that's why the truth of his other family left a deep scar over me.


I can understand why you desired Nina. As much as I hate to leave you, I’m happy that you found someone who stands by you in every moment unlike me but don’t leave our baby, Martin. He needs you more than he needs me. He can live without me but not without you. Don’t abandon him in this cruel world, Martin.

It feels like my days are numbered and I’m not worried about that because I know that our baby has you. 

I’m not angry at you or at Nina because I don’t have any right to be. 

I have never been a perfect wife to you nor a perfect mother to our baby. Now, as you found the perfect wife in Nina, let her be a perfect mother to our baby. He deserves a mother’s love which I never gave him.

You know the funniest thing, Martin? I always wanted to give a brother or a sister to our baby because he will be a great big brother but it never happened. Looks like god heard my prayers, see he gave him not just one but two brothers.

I don’t need to tell you but…. Take care of our baby, Martin. I know you will because after all he is an apple to your eye.

Wish I could have another moment with you.

Where I can lock myself in your arms.

Where I can stare at your beautiful eyes and drown in them.

Wishing for another life where I can love you again…….

Take care Martin.

Tell our baby that I love him.

Always wish to be yours,



Though their marriage was not a love marriage, Martin and Anna were in love.

But they realised it late.... So late that by the time they realised, Martin has chosen an another woman to pour his love and Anna has chosen to leave this world.

Who suffered most because of this????

But again whose fault is all of this???

What they have done is right or wrong???

Just like everytime.... I'm not at all the right person to judge....

So, I left it to the almighty.....


So, guys I'm back again with another chapter..... How is it????

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