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Shares?? To me?? Have I heard it right? There isn't any problem with my ears, right?

Shares of Collin Ads? It's a billion dollar company and he has given it to me. What is the intention of it?

"What?" Matthew shrieked, standing abruptly. His chair got knocked out with his sudden action, making a huge thud in the now completely silent room.

I smiled inwardly. This is now going to be interesting.

"All his shares to Michael?" Mark more like whispered. Calmly.

The one thing I observed since I came here is that Mark is so peaceful when compared to Matthew.

"How can it be possible? We worked hard in the company and now half of the shares are given to him? He hasn't set a foot in there." Mark remarked.

Of course I never set a foot in that company. Not even when I stayed with my old man.

"I don't mind giving any of the properties to him but the shares….no...  it's we both who shed our sweat in it.. but now…" Matthew lost his words.

I sighed irritatingly. As if I want the properties or shares. Why did I stay here in the first place? Why did I agree to come here on this day?

"I don't need any shares in the company. You can have them." I announced.

Everyone turned towards me stunned.

"Michael, don't do such things which you will regret later." The lawyer said.
I laughed, "I will not. You can draw up the papers."

"No. Wait." Seb said immediately.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Give me some time. Mark, Matthew, I will solve it. Michael, come with me." Saying that Seb grabbed me out, hurriedly as if his ass is on fire.


Seb and I are in my room.

"What's in your mind?" I asked him who is pacing around the room.

"What are you doing? Why are you giving up on the company?" He asked so innocently.

I rolled my eyes at his lame question, "You very well know the reason. I don't want anything from him."

"It's not anything, Mike! It's his company!!" He freaked out. Of course.

It's his freaking billion dollar company but I never was interested in it and never will be. Anyone in my place would jump at this opportunity but I don't want anything to do with it.

"So what?" I shrugged.

Sighing, he flopped on the bed beside me, "Michael, whether you accept it or not, your father is a great businessman. He used to have perfect strategies in every step he took regarding the company. Same way, there might be some reason for doing so."

Of course, I know about the business mind of my old man. Even though I tried my best to avoid him, articles about him in the media have gotten into my way whenever possible.

I shrugged, "Well, I don't care about that."

He scowled, "Don't be so resigned, Mike. It's not just about your father. There are many people who are dependent on that company. You simply can't thrash it away."

I huffed, "Seb what do you want to say?"

"Well, think before doing something. Your father hasn't bothered you till now whatever you have done but now he wants you in your company. That means there is some reason."

Once upon a playboy ✓ (Spin-Off Of Far yet Closer)Where stories live. Discover now