Even at the age of 17, Mei still loves to play games. "You should try playing a few games, they're fun." Mei said, Y/n just sighed and rested her head on her palm. "I don't know, Mei... You know I'm busy." Y/n said, despite losing her job there's still stuff she has to do around house, such as chores, and watering the plants... The waiter arrived and set the tea down to both you and Mei before walking away. "You already ordered?" Y/n asked, Mei nodded. "Yep. Didn't want you to wait." Mei explained, Y/n smiled at her gratefully. That's really sweet of her. Y/n took a sip of her tea carefully, it's still hot. "So are you going to tell me about your super secret friend?" Mei asked making Y/n spit out the tea in surprise. What? The only friends Y/n really has are Mei and Wukong, she's not really good at socializing sadly. But Mei doesn't know anything about Wukong, Y/n can't tell her. Wukong told her that no one can know about him, and he wanted her to keep it a secret. "What are you talking about?" Y/n asked, Mei sighed and furrowed her eyebrows. "When I was at your place, I noticed a red scarf that wasn't yours." Mei said making Y/n panic, that happened at least a month ago where Wukong forgot to take it back.

"Oh, that." Y/n said, thinking of an excuse. "My co-worker came and forgot her scarf. That's all." Y/n explained, by Mei's expression she seemed convinced. "Well, that makes sense. You're really close to that one co-worker, uh what was her name?" Mei asked, Y/n thinks she's referring to Linda. Y/n told Mei a few stories about Linda who's really clumsy, she wouldn't say they're really close but they do talk sometimes. "Linda." Y/n said and Mei just nodded. "You must be really happy to work at your dream job!" Mei said but Y/n cringed, well not anymore. Mei noticed the sudden change of the mood and she tilted her head to one side, confused. "What's wrong?" Mei asked, Y/n put her hands on the table anxiously. "Well, uh about that..." Y/n said, she didn't tell this to Mei yet. She was afraid she'd just end up crying if she does. "I got fired..." Y/n's shoulders sunk in shame and she avoided Mei's gaze, hearing her gasp in surprise. "What-but how!? Your designs are beautiful!" Mei said in disbelief, Y/n shrugged her shoulders and took another sip of her tea awkwardly. "I couldn't come up with any idea for weeks..." Y/n said, it was kinda her fault. They need more people who are creative, they don't need her.

"It's going to be okay, there's plenty of other jobs around." Mei said softly, Y/n tried her best to keep her tears back. "But they're nothing like that company..." Y/n said in defeat, Mei knew that it was her dream job. "I know a place nearby who's looking for workers, I can show you later if you want." Mei offered, Y/n looked at her and nodded with a smile. "That'd be great." Y/n said, she just has to accept it, it's over. She'll need to find a different job. "Oh, by the way." Mei suddenly said, remembering something. "If you want you can come tomorrow to meet Mk! We will be playing video games, you can join in!" Mei said, Y/n hummed. She'd usually disagree because she has to go to her job, but right now she's free because she got fired, besides she never met Mk and Mei talks about him a lot so why not go and meet him? "Yeah, sure." Y/n agreed making Mei super excited. "It's settled then! Tomorrow at 3pm, we'll meet at the center!" Mei said, Y/n took a sip of her tea. "Sure." Y/n agreed, she wouldn't mind playing games to relax herself a little because lately she's been doing nothing but being anxious.

Y/n was cooking herself something to eat, weirdly enough she was hungrier than usual but it'll probably be gone in a few days, she doesn't think it's a big deal. Wukong texted her and said that he won't be coming back for a few weeks because something came up, you didn't mind it tho, he will come back eventually. But as days went by, your hunger didn't die down and on top of that you started vomiting. That's when you began suspecting the worst, that you might be pregnant. You certainly haven't thought about that, when you and Wukong had sex none of you thought it through, and you blamed yourself for that. But you really hoped you weren't pregnant because all of this was too sudden, way too sudden. Y/n was walking to the shop, her mind was running crazy. There's no way you could be pregnant, you really wished you weren't and hoped but you did started getting hungrier and you even started vomiting, you never really thought about having a kid, you just wanted to focus on your job and do the best you can. Y/n stopped and looked at the shop a few steps away from her, she hesitated. She's not sure if she can do this.

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