Chapter 2: A Surprise Visit from Gene

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General Notes: This chapter was a fun one to write / revisit, even if it is a bit angsty. Gene is an easier character to write for a few reasons - the first is that he is more open with his feelings and thoughts, as well as expressions.



The last thing Mai remembered was falling asleep, and Naru positioning her head on his shoulder.

She looked around what appeared to be park. Her eyes took a moment to adjust to the light before she noticed familiar face sitting on a bench, smiling at her.

She ran towards him and hugged him tightly, before putting her hand on his cheek.

"Gene! I thought you had passed on! I'm sorry for how it happened. Nobody deserves such a horrible death. Naru... you know what he's like, he didn't say much, but his eyes showed how much this hurt him."

Gene put his hand to hers and smiled, "Well, at least you've kept me company, so it's not been too bad. I've enjoyed watching you break my idiot brother out of his tight shell. Maybe I'll be able to speak with him someday." He trailed off, and instead brought their hands down as he led her to two swings that appeared near the bench.

"So, what's new since we last spoke?" Gene asked her.

Mai huffed despondently, "What can I say? I tried telling Naru I loved him and I think he rejected me? He thought I meant you..."

Gene let out a bark of laughter, "Ouch! No need to sound so disappointed. What's wrong with loving me?"

She broke out in fits of giggles as she took one of the swings, "It's not that! I love you but not that way! It's the same love that I have towards Yasu. I don't know if Naru actually understands what I said to him. He didn't really give me a chance to reply to his question before he walked away. "

Gene swung his legs making the swing move, "My brother is a bit dense in the love department, in case you hadn't noticed. He's always been 'the scientist' and very fact-based. Me on the other hand... well I was the ladies man."

He looked over at her as he wiggled his eyebrows before breaking out into laughter.

Mai gave him a dry look, "I am glad that you and Yasu didn't had the chance to meet... That would have been a disastrous for all."

Gene laughed before solemnly sighing. He slowly began swinging and said, "I think you're going to have to wait a bit longer and give him some time to process what you said to him. I don't think he expected he would actually hear it from you. Masako was, from what I've seen, the one always pushing for his affections. If he had truly wanted to reject you, he would have done so as he's done with her."

Mai nodded and lightly nudged him as they swung past each other. After a while, she said "You know, for all that he's M'r. Fact-Based', is it really that hard to believe that I'm in love with him? The man who risked his life multiple times saving mine? The one who I will always make tea for, even if I complain about it? The one who has comforted me when he didn't need to? Everyone else seems to know... I'm pretty sure even the spirits know!"

As her swing slowed down she looked over at Gene, "Lin spoke to me as well. Seems like the general advice is to give Naru some time before saying anything more."

Mai leaned into the swing cable before asking, "Gene... was it your voice I heard telling me to wait?"

He nodded, "Guilty as charged! I'm not always able to see everything, but I was able get a cleared view for a brief moment thanks to being so close to my body, my connection with you, and my connection with Noll. I was going to try and speak with him but after I heard what he said, I decided to give you a fighting chance against his idiocy."

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