"Morning, Hector" I smiled at the big security guard as I walked past. He gave me a small nod and smile before my back turned towards him.

Walking up to the front desk, I looked around for anyone that seemed out of place. I didn't know what this girl looked like but I figured it wouldn't be hard to spot her.

I huffed and looked around, not seeing anyone that looked out of the ordinary until the doors burst open and in ran and small girl with a bag flung over her shoulder. She looked rushed and red in the face, pulling down her red skirt with each step she took.

She had her raven black hair pushed back behind her ears and her brown eyes searched frantically over the lady at the desk.

She didn't seem to notice me as she trudged right up to the front desk beside me.

"Hi!" She breathed, clearly out of breath "It's my first day and I really hope I'm not late. I can't remember who I was supposed to meet but—"

"Hi!" I interjected, giving the girl a kind smile as she slowly spun around to meet me "Don't worry, you're just on time"

"Oh, thank merlin!" She sighed in relief "I'm Martha Green"

"Honey Ilona" I held my hand out for her to shake. She took it happily and I tried to ignore the way her sweaty palm felt on mine.

She's just nervous, nothing I wasn't like on my first day.

"Honey? I love that! It's really cute" she smiled.

"Thank you" I nodded at her "Now, let's get you settled in, shall we?"

"Awesome" she said.

"Follow me" I said before I turned around and started to walk away. She did a quick jog to catch up before a steady walk beside me.

We walked across the floor and up to Hector who gave her a stern glare behind his heavy shades just like he had me. Martha gulped and looked up at him as though she'd done something wrong and felt the need to apologise.

"Don't worry about Hector" I brushed off "He's really kind once you get to know him"

She nodded in uneasily.

"Right" I huffed as I reached behind the desk before us and pulled out her badge "This is your employee badge. It has your name and ID number. Make sure you have it with you at all times just to avoid any unnecessary drama and all that nonsense"

She nodded and took it from me, clipping it to the collar of her white shirt.

I smiled and continued past Hector to the elevator.

"Your work is based on the 14th floor with me. Your job is to handle all of Mr Malfoy's work calls, organise his paperwork and answer any business enquires" I explained as we stepped into the elevator, letting the doors close behind us.

"Mr Malfoy" she said "What's he like? I mean, he scared me half to death in the interview. I wasn't even sure if I'd gotten the job until I got a call from you the next day"

"He's professional" I started "He likes to be called 'Mr Malfoy' and nothing else. He gets all frigid and pissed when anyone else calls him by his first name , trust me on that"

"Wait—anyone else?" Before I could answer her question, the elevator doors opened to reveal the 14th floor and Sebastian waiting patiently.

"Honey" he smiled as he saw me.

"Morning, Seb" I smiled back at him as we walked from the elevator, Martha trailing behind me.

"Who's this?" Sebastian asked as he gave a polite smile towards her.

Honey; Draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now