When Love leaves.

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When Love leaves, it will be painless, fast, quick and merciful.
Until neither love will let go, and so it returns, and burns slow and painful. Furious blue fired agony.
When Love leaves everything will come to light, or so you think. But all will be shadowed in a hooded light that is pleasant to wait under. To wait.
Naive, innocent, lost and oh so confused why Love couldn't stay. But when Love leaves you will see, this Love could never come to be. Faults and evils previously unseen. To wait. You wait.

For when Love returns.
When love returns, they wear a new face. Will speak different words. Think different thoughts. Love, will love you better than the Love that left.
When Love returns, so light so easy to fall into. Easy, and aswell the most difficult thing you'd ever dared yourself to try.
Naive, innocent, safe, and oh so perfect to love and be loved by such a beautiful love.
You will find Love. It may take failure, loss. But you will find love. When Love returns, the final time, Love will stay. And will love you.

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