Part 16

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The next day, Cody was still shaken about Bryan scaring him. He was very clingy with his daddy, and just wanted to be held.

"Daddy's sorry that Bryan was so mean, kiddo. I though I could trust him to keep an eye on you, but I was wrong." Elijah said as he cradled Cody.

The small boy just sucked on his pacifier, leaning into Elijah's chest.

"I think that uncle Seth and auntie lacy will be your babysitters from now on." Elijah added.

Cody nodded. Seth was very nice, and didn't seem crazy, but lacy, he was still unsure about her. She was nice, but she was cuckoo. Cody did like to play with Owen, though, so her babysitting wasn't so bad.

"I think someone needs a bath. Let's go get you all clean, and then we can have a cookie." Elijah cooed, carrying Cody to the bathroom. He sat Cody down and filled the bathtub with warm water and vanilla scented bubble bath.

After cleaning Cody up, Elijah drained the bath, rinsing him with one last round of fresh water. He stood up and grabbed a towel, wrapping Cody in it. He picked him up and carried him to his nursery.

Elijah diapered him quickly and dressed him in a yellow onesie, picking him up.

"Daddy?" Cody asked, looking up at Elijah.

"Yes bubba?" Elijah said.

"Cuddle?" Cody asked. Elijah held him close and nodded.

"Yes, just let daddy grab a blanket for you. Then we can watch a movie." Elijah said. He carried Cody out to the living room, grabbing his blanket along the way. 

An hour later, Elijah laid Cody down in his playpen and got up to get a snack. He looked down at his phone to see a text from Bryan.

'Hey man, I'm sorry for upsetting you. I was just keeping Cody in line'

Elijah rolled his eyes. Bryan used to be chill, but for the past couple years, he had been a bit crazy.

Elijah looked into the living room, seeing that Cody was asleep. He hit Bryan's contact and put the phone to his ear.

"Hey Eli, what's up?" Bryan asked.

"I know you think you're a big shot, but you can't parent other peoples kids. Why would you put my little boy through that?" Elijah said.

"Chill, man. Cody was being naughty, so I gave him medicine to keep him still." Bryan said.

"You should have just put him in a playpen. He's still shaken about yesterday." Elijah said.

Bryan scoffed on his end. "I'm gonna make something clear to you, Elijah, I would have done the same if Emily, Owen and Travis acted out. Would Lacy and Seth be upset? Maybe, but they've both used the same medicine countless times on their own little ones. You've always been too soft-hearted to discipline your babies the same way we would, and that's fine. What matters is that we're the adults, and what we say goes." Bryan said.

"I just don't want my baby to be upset and scared." Elijah said.

"They're all upset and scared when they first get here. They try to fight and be grown ups, but we all know the truth. Emily, Owen, Travis and Cody are diaper wearing babies who depend on their mommies and daddies to take care of them. They get used to it, and eventually, they don't wanna be big anymore." Bryan said.

Elijah had to hold back a few tears. Bryan had been his friend, but hearing him say this? He just wanted control, and he was getting carried away.

"Okay, I'll let you go. Just think about what I said." Bryan said. He hung up, leaving Elijah standing still in the kitchen.


Bryan pocketed his phone and sat on the couch, looking for something to watch in tv.

"Papa?" Came Travis's voice. Bryan looked over at him.

"Yeah kiddo?" He asked. Travis made eye contact but looked away, mumbling.

"Wet." He finally said behind his pacifier. Bryan stood up and walked over to Travis, laying him back on the floor.

"Stay here." Bryan said, going upstairs to get changing supplies.

Travis watched him leave and gently kicked his legs, feeling his knees knock together. The wet diaper around his waist reminded him that he wasn't as independent as he used to be. Sometimes he hated being a baby. 

He wasn't allowed to stay up late, or drink, or go anywhere without his papa. He tried so hard to escape in the beginning, but after a few weeks of Bryan's strict schedule, Travis fell into the routine.

Soon enough, even on days he wanted to go back to his old life, he wouldn't. It's not only that he couldn't leave, he no longer wanted to. He was a little boy, and even though his papa was tough, he still loved him.

Travis was startled out of his trance when Bryan sat in front of him, rolling his onesie up and removing the wet diaper.

Travis used to fight so hard to get out of getting changed, but now he just laid still and relaxed, because it never took long. Before he knew it, he was in a clean diaper, and his onesie was snapped again.

Bryan threw away the old one and washed his hands before going back to the living room, picking Travis up.

"I know I can be a little mad sometimes, but I don't want you to be scared. Papa loved you very much, tiger." Bryan said softly.

Travis was surprised. His papa didn't talk this softly and nicely a lot. He hugged him and put his head in his shoulder.

"Wuv uu too." Travis said, smiling.


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