Part 13

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Elijah pulled up to seth's house just around 1. He got out of the car and unbuckled Cody, carrying him out to the backyard. Bryan and lacy were in the pool with Travis and Owen, and Seth was grilling while Emily played with blocks on a blanket.

"Hey guys, glad you made it. Make yourselves at home." Seth said, smiling.

"Thanks, man. We're gonna go get ready, we'll be out in a few." Elijah said, walking into the house with Cody. He carried him into the bathroom and closed the door, laying his changing mat on the floor.

He undressed the smaller boy and laid him down in the mat, pulling out a swim diaper. He put it on Cody and taped it up snuggly, pulling up a pair of red swim trunks with an anchor pattern.

"Alright bubba, daddy's gonna take you back outside so he can get ready." He said, picking Cody up. He carried him out to the deck and sat him on the blanket next to Emily, then walked back into the house.

Seth looked down at Cody and smiled.

"Hey kiddo. Are you ready to swim?" He asked. Cody nodded.

"Daddy, can I show Cody the pool toys?" Emily asked. Seth looked at her and nodded. Emily stood up and skipped over to a big brown chest. She pulled it open and started to scoop out small beach balls, pool noodles, and small water guns. She grabbed a few toys and carried them back over to the blanket, setting them down.

"Look at this one, Co! It's a water gun shaped like a tube, and there's foa me on the outside so you can't get hurt." She explained, holding up a pink water gun.

As Emily showed all the toys to Cody, Elijah walked back out, now wearing swim trunks. He knelt down by Cody and Emily.

"Wow, these are some cool pool toys, Emily. Are you showing them to Cody?" He asked. The little girl smiled and nodded. "What do you think, kiddo? Wanna play with any of these?" Elijah asked.

Cody smiled and nodded. Emily picked up a small sailboat and handed it to Cody.

"Fanks." He said. Elijah picked hIm up and carried him to the pool. He grabbed a pool float meant for babies, but sized for adults, and sat Cody in it.

"Hi Cody!" Owen said, waving. He was in a matching float to Cody's. Travis was swimming with Bryan, wearing a blue puddle jumper. It seemed like he was promoted back to a three year old, much to his joy.

After a few minutes, Seth had everything grilled and put the food on a plate. "Food's ready, guys!" He called, setting the food next to the grill.

"Do you want to eat now, bubba, or wanna wait?" Elijah asked Cody.

"Wait, daddy." Cody said, splashing the water lightly. He giggled and moved the sailboat around.

20 minutes later, Cody was ready to eat. Elijah helped him out of the pool float and stood him up, wrapping him in a towel. Elijah picked Cody up and sat him on a deck chair.

"I'm gonna get you some food, kiddo. What a hamburger or hot dog?" Elijah asked.

"Hot doggie, pwease." Cody said. Elijah smiled and went to get some food for Cody.

Lacy walked over and ruffled Cody's hair. "Hey there, little one." She cooed, smiling at him. He smiled back.

When Elijah got back, he had a small plastic plate with a cut up hot dog, some ketchup, green beans, and french fries. He picked Cody up and sat on the chair, sitting Cody on his lap.

This was the first time in a few days that Cody hadn't eaten a meal in his high chair, so it was a little weird, but he got the hang of it.

After finishing his lunch, Elijah sat Cody down on the blanket next to Emily. "You two can play while you digest, bubba. If you need anything, just let daddy know." Elijah said.

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