Part 6

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Not 3 hours later, Cody's eyes snapped open. He had to pee, very very badly. He crossed his legs to try and prevent himself from wetting his diaper, but it was useless. He grumbled in tired frustration as his diaper swelled with warm liquid. He kicked his legs in discomfort as his bladder emptied, sitting up.

"Elijah?" He called into the darkness, hoping the taller would hear him. There was no answer. Cody scowled and called out again, louder this time.

The house remained quiet. Cody sighed as he remembered breakfast the other day; Elijah wouldn't answer if Cody used his first name.

"Daddy?" He called, blushing.

The door opened and Elijah walked in, flipping on the light. Cody pulled himself up by the cribs bars to stand, and Elijah scooped him up.

"Did you use your diaper, bubba?" Elijah cooed with a tired voice. Cody nodded slowly. "Okay, let's get you cleaned up." He said, laying Cody down on the changing mat. He removed Cody's onesie and undid the tapes of the wet garment, opening it.

Cody shivered as he was exposed to the late night chill, and without warning, his bladder emptied itself more.

Elijah pulled the front of the diaper up over Cody's front to keep the pee in, tutting softly.

"Someone's losing his potty training rather easily, aren't you baby?" Elijah cooed, making Cody whine in embarrassment. Elijah kissed his forehead. "It's okay, babies aren't supposed to have control." He added.

Finally, Cody's bladder was empty, and Elijah got to changing him. The taller boy chuckled lightly as Cody kicked gently, trying to free his feet from elijahs hold.

Elijah wiped the blond clean and sprinkled him with baby powder. He lifted his legs and slid a new diaper under his bottom, lowering Cody's legs and pulling the front of the garment up, taping it snuggly around Cody. He patted the smaller boy's tummy and placed him in a clean onesie, snapping it over the thick diaper.

Cody was relieved to be clean, but he fretted for the loss of his faculties. He didn't want to use a diaper and not realize he'd need a change. He whimpered softly as Elijah picked him up, laying him back in his crib.

"Sleep tight, Cody." The taller boy cooed, turning on the mobile. He left the room, shutting the door. Cody turned onto his stomach and buried his head in his arms, trying to mentally recover from his embarrassment. Diaper changes wouldn't get any easier, would they? He tried to push these thoughts out of his mind as he drifted off, but he feared that his situation would get worse.


The next morning was very quiet. Cody woke up with a dry diaper, something he was very grateful for. He waited for a while in his crib, but Elijah still hadn't come to get him.

"Daddy?" He called, sitting up. He pulled himself up to stand with the support of the bars and called out again.

Still, Elijah didn't come. Cody huffed and sat back down. He was getting hungry. He tried to go back to sleep, but all he could think about was getting some food in his stomach.

Cody tried to keep his cool, but he couldn't stop the tears that eventually came. He started crying, calling out for his daddy to come get him.

A few minutes later, the nursery door opened and Elijah walked in. He walked quickly to the crib and scooped Cody up, cooing at him.

"Hey bubba, it's alright. Daddy's sorry you had to wait for so long." He soothed, rocking Cody, rubbing his back. The blond calmed down rather quickly and rested his head on Elijah's shoulder. "Let's get you some breakfast, you must be hungry." He said, carrying Cody out to the kitchen.

He sat him in his high chair and buckled him in, making over to the pantry, pulling out a box of Cheerios. Elijah poured a bowlful and added some milk, carrying it over to Cody's high chair. He put the bowl down and grabbed a spoon, dipping it into the cereal.

"Okay kiddo, you eat your food. Daddy will by right at the counter if you need him." Elijah cooed. He sat at the counter with a cup of coffee, scrolling through his phone.

Cody picked up the spoon and started eating, milk dribbling down his chin every few bites. He wiped it away with the back of his hand, rubbing it onto his onesie. A few minutes later, he finished his meal, and was left a bit of a mess.

Elijah turned and sighed with a little grin.

"Such a messy baby you are, Cody." He cooed, walking over to Cody's chair. He grabbed the bottom of Cody's bib and wiped his face with it. Cody squirmed.

"No." He whined, turning his head to the side. Elijah finally stopped wiping his face and picked him up, carrying him to the living room.

"Alright, you can play. Daddy has some work to do, and uncle Danny will be here soon to babysit." Elijah said.

Cody perked up. Thank god. Maybe Daniel would be back to normal today.

Elijah walked away and left Cody to his own devices. The blond picked up a rattle and shook it a few times, tossing it aside. There was nothing he could do with that.

After a minute or so of looking for a toy, the front door opened, and Daniels voice yelled through the house.

"Eli? I'm here!" He called, walking in. He entered the living room and saw Cody sitting quietly. "Hey kiddo, what's up?" He asked, sitting in front of the playpen.

Cody turned to his friend and smiled. "Do you think you could get me out of here?" He whispered, crawling closer to Daniel. The taller one nodded. Cody beamed!

Before he could say another word, however, Daniel lifter Cody up by the armpits and set him down in his lap.

"There you go, now you can move around the room." Daniel said in a happy tone.

"No, that's not what I-" Cody started, cut off by the pacifier being placed in his mouth.

"It's quiet time, bubba. How about we find some fun toys to play with?" Daniel cooed, standing, Cody dangling in his arms.

The blond pouted, unhappy with his situation. Was Daniel playing stupid, or did he really think Cody should be treated this way? He spat out his pacifier and started ranting, freeing one arm and trying to release Daniels grip on him.

"Why are you so fussy, Cody? Do you need a new diaper?" Daniel asked.

"No!" Cody screamed. Hot tears rolled down his cheeks, blurring his vision. He sobbed uncontrollably in his friend's arms, shaking with anger and frustration. Daniel gently bounced him and paced, shushing him.

"There there, bubba, you're alright." He soothed, hoping to get through to Cody. He strolled back to the nursery and shut the door, turning off the lights.

In the darkness, Cody started to relax. His brain was steadying, and his tears stopped flowing. He leaned against Daniel and untensed his body, relieved.

As he was drifting off to sleep, Cody felt a rumble in his stomach. He winced, squirming. Daniel held him tight, rubbing his back.

Cody lost the fight to stay awake and his eyes drooped shut, and he fell into a deep sleep.

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