Part 10

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After a while of  the kids were playing, the playroom door opened.

"Cody, your daddy's here." Lacy said, poking her head in. Elijah walked in and picked Cody up, hugging him tight. Cody cooed happily behind his pacifier and buried his face in Elijahs neck.

The two walked out of the room and down to the living room where Seth and Bryan stood, talking. Travis was propped up on Bryan's shoulder, eye closed, pacifier bobbing in his mouth, looking exhausted.

"See ya later, Eli. Have a good night." Seth said, patting elijah's shoulder. "You staying for a bit, Bry?" He asked Bryan when he turned to him.

"Nah, I got a tired little boy to get home. I'll see you soon, guys." Bryan said. He looked over at Cody, who had popped his head out and was watching the grown ups. He ruffled Cody's hair, making him whimper.

"It's alright, bubba, we're going home now." Elijah cooed, taking this as Cody being fussy. He walked out of the house after thanking the others and went to the car, buckling Cody into his seat.

The ride home was quiet, and Cody grew very sleepy. His eyes dropped and he fell asleep, head resting on the back of his carseat.


Cody opened his eyes a few hours later. He sat up in his crib and rubbed his eyes.

"Daddy?" He asked, looking around. The door opened and Elijah walked in, turning on the light. He walked over to Cody's crib and picked him up.

"Hey sleepy boy, what's up?" He cooed, holding Cody close. "Ready for dinner? You've been asleep for a while." He said, carrying Cody out to the kitchen.

"No, daddy." Cody mumbled behind his pacifier. Elijah put him in his high chair and buckled him in. 

"Yes, you need something in your tummy, even if it's small." Elijah said. He walked over to the fridge and got a cup of yogurt and a bowl of raspberries. He grabbed a baby spoon and carried everything over to Cody's chair.

Cody looked upset. He started whimpering and sucked on his pacifier for comfort.

"Bubba, what's the matter? It's just yogurt." Elijah said. Cody ignored this and started crying, losing his paci in the process. Elijah scooped him up and rocked him. "Shh, baby boy, daddy's here." He cooed.

It took a few minutes for Cody to calm down, but when he did, he was red faced and quiet. Elijah sat on the couch and cradled him in his arms, rubbing his back.

"Did something happen to make you upset, Cody?" Elijah asked. Cody shook his head. The taller boy carried him back into the kitchen and put him back in his high chair.

With a little gentle encouragement, Cody ate his food. Elijah smiled and kissed the top of his head.

"That's my good baby. Now it's still a little early for bed, so why don't we get you a bath and then watch a little tv?" Elijah said. He carried Cody to the bathroom and removed his onesie. He sat Cody on the bath mat and filled the e tub with warm water and bubble bath.

After removing his diaper, Elijah sat Cody in the tub and grabbed a few bath toys. Cody just looked at them, uninterested. He let Elijah wash him and sat still, eager to get out of the bath and into his pajamas.

When the bath was over, Elijah rinsed Cody off and wrapped a towel around him, picking him up. He carried him back to the nursery and laid him on the changing table, patting him dry.

Cody hummed quietly as alijah sprinkled him with baby powder and fastened a clean diaper around him, putting him in a soft yellow onesie. The taller boy picked him up and held him close, patting his bottom.

"Okay, bubba, let's go watch a show." He said, carrying Cody to the living room. He sat on the couch and held Cody on his lap, turning the tv on.

Cody leaned against elijahs chest and watched the tv with little interest. He'd rather just cuddle with his daddy. Elijah picked up on this and smiled. He hugged Cody tighter and kissed the top of his head.

After about an hour, Elijah stood up and carried Cody to the nursery, laying him down for the night.

Cody went down with little fuss and Elijah turned on his mobile and baby monitor.

"Night night bubba, daddy will see you in the morning." Elijah cooed. He left the room and shut off the light, closing the door.

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