Part 2

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Cody woke up with a slight headache and nausea. He rubbed his eyes and tried to go back to sleep, but he wasn't very tired. He sat up and his eyes snapped open in fear.

Where the hell was he?

Cody stood up and discovered that he was in a large crib. What in the world?! 

He started yelling, panicked and angry. He shook the bars aggressively, hoping they would just snap. The door opened and Elijah walked in. Cody's eyes widened when he saw the taller guy.

"What the hell did you do to me, you bastard? I should knock your lights out for this!" Cody yelled

"That's no way for a baby to talk, Cody." Elijah said, walking over to the crib. 

"What are you on about? I'm not a baby! Tell me what's going on." Cody answered. Elijah said nothing, pulling a pacifier from his pocket. He wiped it off with a small cloth and popped it in Cody's mouth. The blond instantly spit it out, frowning.

"I know this is new for you, baby, but you need to keep that paci in." Elijah scolded lightly. He placed the pacifier back in Cody's mouth and pressed gently on his shoulder, sitting him down. Cody fought to stand, but Elijah overpowered him easily, and sat him on his bottom.

Elijah laid Cody on his back and gently stroked his cheek. Cody winced and shrunk away from him.

"Now now, bubba, you're probably not feeling too well today, so get some rest, and when you're hungry, daddy will make you a bottle." Elijah cooed.

Daddy?! What the hell?

Cody's stomach was upset, so he cooperated and stayed down. He watched as Elijah smiled and leave the room, closing the door. Cody closed his eyes and rolled onto his side, falling back to sleep.

Just a few hours later, Cody woke again and stood up, using the bars to pull himself up. He swung his leg over the side of the crib and boosted himself up, sitting on top of the bars. Just as he was about to jump down, the door opened and Elijah walked in. He saw Cody and rushed over to him, grabbing him under the armpits.

"Cody, that's very dangerous! I don't ever want to see you do anything like that ever again, got it?" Elijah asked, loud and panicked. Cody was startled by this reaction but nodded. Elijah settled Cody on his hip and bounced him gently. "I think it's time for you to eat something. Would you like to try solid food?" Elijah cooed, carrying Cody into the kitchen.

Cody shook his head. He wasn't eating anything provided by Elijah, he was nuts!

"You have to eat something, kiddo. You're so little." Elijah replied. 

Cody eyed the coffee pot on the counter. He could use some caffeine right about now.

"Can I have some coffee?" He asked, pacifier falling out of his mouth. Elijah chuckled, and Cody frowned.

"No, babies can't have coffee. You can have some nice warm milk, though." Elijah told him. He grabbed a large baby bottle from the cupboard and walked over to the fridge, grabbing a jug of milk. He heated the milk on the stove a bit and when it was warm, he poured it into the bottle.

"I'm not drinking that." Cody said stubbornly, eyeing the bottle. Elijah just looked down at him and smiled.

"It'll help you feel better. Maybe if you're feeling better tonight, I can make you some solid food." Elijah said gently, sitting on the couch with Cody nestled in his arm. He held the bottle to Cody's mouth and waited for him to latch on, but he didn't.

Elijah sat with Cody for a few minutes, gently prompting him to drink the bottle, yet Cody still refused. Elijah sighed lightly and stood up, walking into the kitchen. He put the bottle in the fridge and carried Cody back to the living room. He sat him down on a large blanket, surrounded by a moveable playpen.

"Stay here, little one. Daddy will be close if you need him." Elijah said. He placed a baby monitor on the coffee table and leaving the room.

Cody looked at the selection of toys. There were a few pastel colored teddy bears and plush dogs and cats, some soft foam baby blocks, and a baby blue rattle. He was less than impressed and stood up, easily stepping over the gate, which couldn't have been more than 3 feet tall. That wouldn't have kept him in anyway.

He silently crept around the house, looking for his phone, keys and clothes. Where had they been put?

After a few minutes and no luck finding his stuff, Cody grew angry. Elijah had no right to take him to his house, especially since he hadn't been right in the head. He could've gotten badly injured, rather than dressed as a baby.

Cody was too absorbed in his thoughts to hear Elijah sneak up behind him and pick him up. Cody screamed, struggling to get out of elijahs grip.

"I told you to stay in your playpen, Cody. It's clear that you can't be trusted, so you're going to stay in your nursery until you behave." Elijah scolded.

"No way, man! I'm not your effing baby!" Cody yelled, kicking Elijah. The taller boy ignored Cody and stuck a clean pacifier in his mouth, giving him a single swat on the butt.

"You're being very naughty right now, Cody. Daddy doesn't want to hear any more of that bad language, or you'll be getting punished." Elijah said sternly. He sat Cody in his crib and looked down intensely at him. "If I catch you out of this crib, you'll be in very big trouble. I have some work to do, so I'll check on you in a few hours." Elijah said. He turned off the light and left, shutting the door.

Cody sat there, shaking with rage. He wanted to get out of here, but a small part of him was scared of making Elijah angry. He laid down on his side and covered his eyes with his hands, crying softly. If he ever got out of here, he wouldn't drink ever again.

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