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I can't believe Kai is a bad influence on me, I'm trying so hard, but Damon won't even talk to me.

"She just went full ripper mode on me, like as if I was a threat" Damon said walking back and forth.

"It's kai, I swear it's him" Bonnie said in a worried voice.

"Kai?" Elena starts to look confused and worried at the same time.

"Yes, she has feelings for him, right?" Bonnie said. Elena nods her head. "Exactly, and he's a sociopath."

"Meaning?" Caroline said.

"Guys, she's a ripper, he's a sociopath"

Damon's eyes start to widen, Elena goes into a shocked look, Caroline looks scared almost.

"A ripper?" Caroline said.

"Yes, my sister is a fucking ripper!" Damon starts to get angry. "I've tried so hard to keep them apart!"

"Well, you can't stop love!" Elena said.

"Love? What they have isn't love Elena! it's toxic!" Damon said.

"Just like us but look we're still together somehow" Elena starts to feel sad.

"Okay, let's just stay on topic" Caroline tries to calm down the tension.


I walk downstairs and they all look suspicious.

"Hi guys..." I smile a bit but still confused.

"I'm going to head out, Alaric wants to talk!" Damon quickly walks out. My smile fades.

"He is still scared of me, great!" I sigh as I sit down.

"Y/n we need to talk" Caroline said worried, Bonnie nods her head no.

"What is it?" I look at both of them concerningly.

"It's kai!" Elena steps foward.

"What about him? Are you guys going to confront me about how he's a sociopath who won't change again?" I cross my arms.

"You're a ripper y/n, he's a sociopath! You need to stay away from him, you killed Kol, and you went full on ripper mode with Damon!" Caroline said. I pause, I can't believe she would say that!

"Caroline, you always say shit about everyone else but when something isn't about you, you feel like the "second choice" and then you turn down Klaus even though you slept with him!" I start to feel annoyed.

"See! this is what I'm talking about! He's having an effect on you, y/n, He's turning you into this mean horrible person." Caroline said concerned about me, she storms outside.

"So, are you just going to sit there?" Bonnie said. She scoffs and walks out to look for Caroline.

"Y/n, I know you, this isn't you! you're better than this y/n." Elena said.

"You don't know me! Okay! People just change!" I storm upstairs and I slam my door shut.


-Phone dings-

I slowly get up to look at my phone, it's a message from Klaus, I open it.


Why, why did you do it y/n? just tell me! I don't know what has happened to you, but this shall stop! You're better than this love, if you need someone to talk to you have me! Just talk to me like you use to back in 1867, how you'd run to me to talk because Damon did something or said something. Please love just, talk to me again!

I start to tear up, I don't know how to respond, maybe Bonnie, Elena, and Caroline are right, maybe Kai is having an influence on me, but I can't change the fact that I'm a ripper and I always will be one, I just wish they could accept that...


"Caroline slow down!" Bonnie tries catching up to her.

"No! My best friend is not herself and I don't know what to do anymore!" Caroline turns around crying.

"Hey..." Bonnie pulls Caroline in for a hug.

"I just want her back, I just want my best friend back" Caroline says crying.


"Kai, we need to talk" I turn around facing him on the bed.

"What is it?" His smile turns into worry. "Babe, what is it?"

I slowly sit up.

"Kai!" I say looking at him.

"Y/n, what is it?" He sits up.

"I'm a ripper, kai"

"Okay so?"

"You're a sociopath"



He realizes.

"What does this mean for us?"  He starts to look worried, he rubs my back, he can tell that I'm about to cry.

"Kai..." I sniffle and look at him.


"We have to break up!" I start to cry.

"What? no." He hugs me. "We don't- we can work things out!"

"But us being together is dangerous kai!" 


"You don't know do you?" I get up to look at him.

"No what is it?"

"If a ripper... If a ripper dates a siphoner- t-then they will be brutally murdered!" I start to cry even more.


Kai's eyes widen, he looks scared almost. he looks back up at me.

"hey look at me" he pulls my face to his, "look at me y/n" He looks into my eyes I look into his. "Remember what I said that night on the couch?" I nod my head. "I said I would never let anyone hurt you! I meant that, if they kill you, they have to kill me first." He pulls me in for a kiss, then we cuddle.

such a tease | Kai Parker & Y/N storyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя