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"Why'd you have to come back? huh?" He said leaning on the counter.

"I came back...for you!"

"Then leave...for me" He looks over at you.

"I can't...I don't want to" You walked over to him.

"I just want to be able to grieve, just let me be sad!"

"I am here now kai"

"Yeah, well that's the problem." he walks upstairs. not saying a single word.

You wonder to yourself where you went wrong, what if he never wanted you back.


It's the next morning and you leave you felt like you messed up. You gave him space because that was all he needed, time, and space.

"Hey where are you going?" said a voice from the stairs.

"I'm leaving kai..."

"Why?" he takes 3 steps down to see you better.

"You clearly don't want me here"

"I do, I was just confused and pissed" He walks closer to you.

"No kai, we're toxic! we fight, make love, then do it all over again and it's toxic!" you say as a tear falls down your soft cheek.

"Thats not true"

"Yeah! it is, and you know it!"

He tries to hold your arm, but you yank your arm away from his hand.

"If you want to grieve than fine! I'll stay out of your life! for good" she said crying and left the house.

He wouldn't give up; he chased you and held your face.

"Listen to me!" He yelled. "I am not going to lose you again I can't lose you again"

"Why won't you just let me leave? Why do you care?" You cried.

"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU" he yells. "I- I love you too much to let you go"

You wanted to stay but you couldn't, you couldn't because you loved him too much to hurt him again, so you left.

such a tease | Kai Parker & Y/N storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora