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This is a Y/N story just letting you guys know this now

"Kai is not going to be honest, just because he merged with Luke doesn't mean he tells the truth" Damon says while drinking a glass of bourbon.

"Oh my gosh, just accept that he's changed!! Kai is caring now, Damon, you always told me to give people second chances!" I say crossing my arms sitting on the couch

"Yeah, but not psychopaths" he says rolling his eyes

"y/n, he put me through hell in the prison world then just left me there! I wouldn't believe a word he says!" Bonnie says while sitting on the chair by the couch

"Maybe y/n has a point, I mean some people do change! Damon was a dick and now he's somewhat not." Tyler says smiling at Damon

"Whatever, I'm not having this convo!" I use my vamp speed and zoom upstairs. It's midnight and everyone is asleep including me, then I suddenly hear a knock on my window, It's the one and only...

"Kai! what are you doing?!" I say while opening the window

"Well, your front door was locked, and I thought to myself, well isn't little miss Salvatore awake, so I came here!" He says while climbing through the window.

"Why are you here?" I say crossing my arms

"Well, I was thinking, like all night, and you know what I came to realize?" he says stepping a bit closer to me

"What?" I say smiling

"You've been acting strange lately" he says stepping even closer, looking into my eyes

"How?" I say rolling my eyes

"Well, every time I get close you get all flustered, it's adorable" he smiles then walks to the chair in my room.

"Me? Flustered? yeah okay" I roll my eyes and I sit on my bed; He looks at me up and down and bites his lip a bit.

"God, sooo dramtic" he says chuckling

"Look, you can stay, just keep it down okay!" I say while walking over to my laundry basket, I bend down to grab a blanket.

"You know, it's not okay to stare" I say smirking, I get back up and I throw him a blanket "sleep tight" I smile, and I lie back in bad with my back facing him.

"I can't sleep!" Kai says while walking over to my bed.

"Fine! lay next to me" I pat the pillow and I roll my eyes; I face his direction.

"So, I was doing more thinking, and I noticed something" he says smirking.

"What did you notice?" I say scooting closer to his body.

"Well..." he says while tracing his fingers from my legs to my waist. "I noticed that you have a little crush on me little Salvatore" he whispers in my ear. "don't hide the feeling" he starts kissing on my neck while his hand is on my waist, I let out a little moan. "Wake up" "y/n wake up!"

I shake awake and I quickly sit up, kai was in his chair, did I just have a make-out dream about kai!

Kai: y/n? is everything okay?

I look over to him

"Yeah, everything is fine" I give him a smile and I walk to the bathroom; I need to clear my brain, I pour water on my face but every time I closed my eyes all I could think about was his hands on me and his lips on my neck, I look up and...

"Jesus! Kai! you can't sneak up on me like that!" I turn around to look at him.

"What was your dream about?" he says washing his face off

"Rainbows and sunshine" I say sarcastically

"Ha, ha, you're not funny, I heard a lot, interesting dream you had there!" he chuckles as he lifts his head up.

"What?! what all did you hear?" my heart starts racing.

"It was sunshine alright" he laughs, why does he keep laughing! His eyes are just so mesmerizing, no, y/n, no! focus! you don't like him!

"Yep, sunshine and rainbows!" I walk out but he grabs my waist and pulls me close.

"I heard things a little differently, and clearly. You had a specific dream about a specific someone." he says whispering in my ear.

"Kai... just stop okay! I don't like you! just get out!" I push him off me. "Get... out!" I say speaking closely to his face, I don't know why I got so mad. Am I pushing him away because I like him?!

"Woah, woah, woah, what's going on?! here? KAI! back up little sis" he holds his arm in front of me and pushes me back.

"Damon it's not what you think, she let me stay here!" he says holding his hands up.

"Damon! it's okay, I let him stay, don't worry" I say holding Damon's arm down as he was about to punch kai.

"If you ever touch her, and I mean ever! I will kill you!" he turns around and looks at me " are you sure everything is, okay?"

"NO! Damon! if only you'd stop being so damn overprotective all the time, then I'd be okay!" I use my vamp speed and I go to the grill to grab a drink

such a tease | Kai Parker & Y/N storyWhere stories live. Discover now