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•The Warrior•

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....•The Warrior....

Leaning on the porch railing next to them Percy could see the blond girl from before the one that fed him the popcorn flavored pudding mixture.She was talking to another girl whom had brunet hair and who's face Percy could not see. "That's Mr D"Grover mumbled next to him "Hes the camp director .... Be Polite.That blond girl over there,shes Annabeth Chase shes your average camper but is one of the longest to be here.And you already know Chiron er i mean Mr Brunner," Grover said pointing towards the man in the wheelchair who's face he also couldn't see.

"but you see the Brunet girl over there she's different from the rest of use her name's Tatiana Grace shes been at camp for a long time around the same time as Annabeth" hearing her name being spoken the brunet beauty turned and was met with the face of the boy whom was placed in her Nightmares but lived in her Dream's (or so she thought .)

"you its really you"Percy said not believing his eyes he remembered telling his mum about the pretty lady in his dream and her saying she must be the one for him but as he got older he slowly disliked the girl in his mind and ruled out the possibility of her being real.......

"well you look ...... real"she said looking at the boy in an amazed manner sure she had seen him when he first arrived but seeing him awake and moving was strange she was used to him taking place in her dreams.

"ah Percy good to see you awake"the voice of Mr Brunner said snapping Percys sea green eyes away from Tatiana's  dark blue ones "now we have five for pinochle"Mr Brunner offered Percy a seat to the right of Mr D,he glanced at Tatiana once more before turning before turning to his ex teacher and sitting down.

Mr D sighed seeing the boy "i suppose i must say it,Welcome to camp half blood okay there i said it now don't expect me to be all nice and friendly"Percy subcontinental moved further away from the man,if he had  learnt anything from Gabe it was to know when anyone was a bit tipsy. Tatian's  eyes followed his movements unknown to the boy.

"Tatiana,Annabeth??"Chiron called the two girls as they both walked towards the male "these two young ladies nursed you back to health percy, Annabeth my child why dont you go check in Percy's bunk? We'll be putting him into cabin eleven for now."he said looking at the blond girl.

Percy couldn't help be study the two girls Annabeth had beach hair and was probably a few inches above Percy and both girls looked like they could run laps around the boy and kill them with their intimidating Grey and Dark blue eyes,Percy thought that Annabeth gave of California vibes. That's when his eyes shifted the the brunet beauty in front of him he studied her more intensely that Annabeth

She had long flowing locks of brunet hair that reached just to top of her tail bone and a scar just above her lip,she had Dark blue eyes with specs of green/brown in them that he couldn't help but get lost in.

"you know it's rude to stair"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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