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*YN has separation anxiety her mother and father abandoned her from when she was 3/8*

*Rick pov*
It's been 3 months since I've come back to my family meeting daughter her husband and there 2 kids which are my grandkids I checked myself in the mirror one last time and set off. Knocking on Beth's door I waited "Hi dad" Beth hugs me I hug back "Please come in" I walk in wait in the living room for her to come back 'God why am I so nervous it's only Beth her idiot and 2 brats' my thought came to a stop when Beth comes out then the 2 kids "dad this is Summer she is 6 years old, Summer this is Rick your grandpa" Summer smiled up at me "Hiya gwandpa Rick" she shook my hand "Hello Sum sum" she giggled and runs off "And this little Cheeky money is Morty he is 3. Kitty this is your grandpa" Beth pushed Morty In front of me "Oh hey Morty, I'm your grandpa" he hide behind Beth leg "sorry he's shy it's gonna take a while before he can open up to you" "oh... ok no worries so where's Jerry?" Just has I said that he walks in "HERE HE COMES TO WRECK THE DAYY!" I laughed so did Beth "How's it going Rick" he just rolled his eyes at me "oh dad before She runs off I want you to meet someone else" Beth smiled widely "come on out darling" Jerry carefully pushes her in front of him. I saw a young girl she had her (h/c) (h/L) in pig tails and she wore a White long sleep top a bit like mine with black shorts with white shoes she had Blue eyes like mine "dad this is YN we adopted her when she was 3 now she is 7... YN this is Rick your grandpa" "Grandpa Rick?" "Hello sweetie My name is Rick or you can call me Grandpa" she giggled and tackled me in a hug I hug her back "Hehe looks like she likes you dad" "Aha.. so she adopted?" They both nodded "she's got separation anxiety because her previous mother and father" Jerry said upset. I stood up still holding on to YN "Ah well... welcome to the world the Smith family! Kiddo!" "Actually dad she not a smith... her parents didn't name her so we had to" Jerry holds beths waist proud of them selfs "Her name is YN, Sanchez after you!" "got the same name? YAYY!" YN giggled "Why has she got my last name?" "sorry Dad but we wanted her to have your last name since am married and the Oldest child and the first boy has the father last name" I was angry I don't know why but I was raging "Gwandpa wick?" I look down at the small child my my Arms "I heard you are a scientist is that true?" "Mhm Yes YN" her eyes was filled with stars in her eyes "WOW REALLY THAT IS SO COOL CAN YOU MAKE A PORTAL?" I was in shock "y..yes" "OH MY GOD! Bla bla bla" she would not stop talking scientist and space "Rick please go easy on her she's obsessed with space alien stuff and we already told her about you cause she loves the shit you love you too" I looked down at her she was still asking questions "ok YN darling I promise when you a little bit older we will go on adventures together just me and you adventures!" "Rick and YN adventures!" YN said while laughing "together 1000 adventures!" Me and YN continued while Beth and Jerry chuckled in the back walked out the room letting us have our talk.


"love ♪ ♪
connection ♪
♪ experience ♪ "Yeah, Morty" Rick smiled.
♪ come together ♪
♪ with love, connection, and experience ♪
"It's my favorite song" all 4 of us laughed driving through space me and Rick at the front and Morty summer in the back "oh shitt! distress beacon! ( belches ) yeah, baby!" "You're excited about that?" I look at him confused "The first rule of space travel, kids, is always check out distress beacons 9 times out of 10 it's a trap or a ship full of free shit!" He drove toward to where the beacon was beeping. All is 4 walked onto the ship blood on the walls and dead bodies but I was use to the sight by now Rick runs off I start to panic and chase after him "Cha-ching. Oh if you find a room full of eggs don't shy away from it give one a shake" rick passes me a spray paint I already knew what he was doing so I followed his lead "Fucking cop are racist man" I laughed and so did Rick Morty and summer watched us and laughed along with us. Rick was talking to me about splitting up and looking for guns and gold till 5 aliens ran towards us panting "Good..your alive!" Rick shouted and dropped the can "please help us we was attack by some sort of entity!" "Anddd how did you know it didn't come on the ship with you?" Rick look unamused "Those 2 ding dongs look chilled about this" I pulled the same face the 2 quiet aliens barfed into the 5 mouth Rick passed me a gun  Morty summer screamed and hide behind Us. "Hello Rick, Long time no see~" "UNITY!"
"Rick?" "Grandpa?" "RS?"
"Oh, boy. Uh... These are my grandkids YN, summer and Morty,kids this is Unity we sorta use to..Date."

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