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YN has been a good friend of the smith family for years so Beth invites for breakfast every morning so when Saturday morning rolls round and YN in the kitchen making coffee waiting for blue hair scientist she made her coffee that's when she heard grunting and the smell whiskey and smoke the grunting came closer YN smiled to her self before turning around "oh good morning handsome" she smiled at Rick "fuck off" Rick made his way to make coffee moving out his way YN wrap her arms around his waist "now now Rick darling there was no need to be talking to your future wife like that" Rick rolled his eyes "get off me" shoving yn off humble "BREAKFAST READY!" Beth shouted from the dining room "I'll save you a seat darling" she winked at Rick while he told her to fuck off. At the table everyone was eating Rick walks in to find a seat but the only seat was next to YN "ffs" Rick whispered under his breathe sitting down next to her. *rick pov*
Everyone was talking but YN was silent not eating staring into space rollin my eyes placing my hand on her thighs under table she looked at me she looked at me and nodded her head saying she was ok but something was off her eyes was dull almost dead it's like someone took her innocence her bright eyes was gone what's happened "DAD?" Snapping me out of my thought "what?" Annoyed "you've been staring at YN for 10 minutes everything ok with you 2" "Omg does grandpa Rick have a Crush" summer laughed "Summer you fucking idiot I don't have a crush on YN am going to the garage, YN come in after you've done" then I left. A few minutes go by and I hear a knock "come in" "you called for me Handsome" YN skip over to me "3 things  glad to see your back to your old self 2 stop trying to flirt with me and 3 what was up with you earlier?" She stop with a confused face "oh yeah I just felt heartbroken cause you don't love me" Shaking my head "okay... I don't you we can't" then morty walks in "Rick I need help" YN kissed my cheek "am going work I'll see you later" "see you later handsome~ bye morty" she kissed his head and walked away humming while I found myself blushing "mhmm Rick are you blushing" "fuck off morty". It's late round 6pm dinner time but YN didn't turn up for dinner "strange where's YN she's always round" Beth asked shrugging my shoulders "I'll walk round to her house now" at YN door I knocked but no answer trying the door it was open "Ynn! Are you in here? HELLO!" Walking through her house the whole house was a wreck beer cans everywhere cig ash on the floor glass was broken plates smashed aswell as a passed out YN on the floor rushing to her side "YN wtf happened round here? Are you ok!" "Sush Liam your too quiet" she's FUCKING DRUNK! AND WHO THE FUCK IT LIAM "Come on YN let's get you to bed" picking her up but she struggled to get out of my arms "NO! I don't wanna go bed with you Tom! I am saving myself for Rick Mother fucking Sanchez! He's gonna be 10x better than you Jerry" I chuckled "who's Jerry?" I laughed even harder "Jerry wait till I tell Beth you tried taking me to bed she's gonna kick your ass" she tried walking out the door "No YN come on bed time" "ok" she walked up with me i got her a glass of water and I put her into bed she grabbed my wrist "Stay please handsome" "you sober now YN" "mmhm" is all she said "alrighty move over let me get in" she moved up taking off my jacket and shoes getting into bed she cuddles up to me "thank you handsome" I chuckled "no worries baby"  "baby now is it?" she giggled "only when we are alone I don't want the family to know just yet  I want us to have are time together alone no interruptions" "I know, I love you handsome~" "I love you too baby~" kissing her lips we fell asleep together.

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