Chapter 299

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During the offseason, all FTW members went to the island for vacation.

The happiest moment of the year is this. Winning the championship, gaining glory, and even the page advertisements for logging in to the game are the images of the FTW five winning the championship.

Internet addicted teenagers were very happy when they first came to this resort. There are a lot of diving and surfing beach walks, waiting for the next day...

Ning Xiaohong: "Hey!"

Potato Chips Music: "Cough..."

Cabbage: "I don't believe you don't bring peripherals."

The three little ones stood up with a loud voice: "Go and go!"

It's impossible not to play games, and itchy all day long without touching.

When Chen Feng returned to the hotel, he saw three rows of cubs.

Cai Ge: "Wori, Yue Wenle, do you know how to use it, Yuansa is not used like this!"

Ning Zhehan: "Brother Cai is taking his place, you put your head away!"

Yue Bunle holding Yuansa with a blank expression: "Dead."

Brother Cai: ".................."

Really, the three global champions played with three strong talents and were beaten by passers-by.

Yue Wenle is playing elemental shaman, Ning Zhehan is playing hunter in the rain, and Cai Ge is actually using fairy warlock!

Who gave you the courage?

Is Wei Xiao crazy!

Chen Feng gave a thumping chestnut alone: ​​"I lost three hours of additional training."

The three little ones tightened their scalp and were extremely serious.

After finishing the game, he suddenly said: "What kind of training? It's the offseason now!"

Chen's 'Queen''s majesty remains undiminished, and the cost of the three children can be achieved!

Compared with the false vacation of these three people, the big and small demon kings really came to vacation.

The island resort hotel is very large. The furthest single-family villas are separated by a walk for half an hour. The sixth brother is very sensible. The villas arranged for Lu Feng and Wei Xiao are just half an hour away from the three small houses.

The moon star Lang, the waves are rolling, accompanied by the sea breeze, Lunatic Wei 'suffer for himself'.

Because of the debts owed by the game, one or two days cannot be paid.

On the first day, Wei Xiao was full of confidence. He pointed to the waves outside and said, "What is this." There was no Laozi Lang!

Wei Xiao's throat became hoarse the next morning: "No, it's really impossible."

The next night Wei Xiao cried so loudly: "Captain, I was wrong, I was really wrong... eh... eh..."

The waves outside were the water that entered Wei Xiao's mind during the game, and he had to get it out.

After this 'battle', Wei Xiaoan lived for three full days.

How safe is it?

I don't dare to ask for it, I don't dare to think about it, I don't even dare to hook my little hands!

Sit tightly...Oh, I can't sit still QAQ!

On the fourth day, Wei Xiao cried and wailed: "When will I play the game! I want to play the game!"

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