Chapter 242.1 - 242.2

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Chapter 242.1: I couldn't deal DPS. How could we win?

translator: xiin
editor: apricot

After getting to their seats, Little Ning rubbed his hands.

Wei Xiao slanted a look at him, "Nervous?"

Ning Zhehan: "A-a-a-a-a little.

Wei Xiao was amused. "What did you say about winning any game is considered as having gained something?"

Little Ning: "I was young and arrogant. I've calmed down now."

He could still snark. That kind of thing wasn't a big deal.

Chen Feng smacked each of them once, telling these bratty children to settle down a bit.

Being nervous was a given. How could they not feel the slightest bit flustered?

It wasn't like they were Little Lunatic Wei!

However, this tension was controllable, and it was even beneficial to their play. It could mobilize adrenaline, help them concentrate, and keep them in a highly-focused state. This was a good thing.

Along the way to this point, granny gray had also become a mid-laner king who'd been tempered through thousands of trials and wouldn't end up as the weak link now!

Yue Wenle was alright. He'd always been slower to react, and everyone understood that. They just had to prepare potato chips for him when leaving the base, and he would chomp on them on the way over, in the backstage lounge, and before going up onto the stage...

Brother Liu really lived up to his reputation as the FTW nanny and always got the amount just right. If there was too much, then President Le wouldn't be able to finish them all and wouldn't be able to bear parting with them, but if there was too little, then President Le would feel it was a shame there wasn't enough. So, Brother Liu would set it up so that he would run out of potato chips just as FTW's battle song started playing. Like this, Yue Wenle would be like a boxer who'd finished his rest time and was filled with fighting spirit when he went up onto the stage!

Without mentioning anything else, he could maintain this state for at least three matches, which was when halftime would kick in.

Brother Liu wanted to express that there would always be enough potato chips, and President Le didn't need to panic!

Chen Feng often suspected that this cub of his was transmuted from potato chips. Otherwise, why would he be so fascinated with them?!

Brother Cai wasn't nervous. Why was that?

Because FTW had already had a discussion about it before they left.

The topic of their discussion had naturally been the battle of freedom.

Chen Feng: "Are we using the soul warlock system?"

Brother Cai's face turned very pale as soon as he heard this. He was so nervous that he wished he could slide from his chair to under the table and cover his head with an iron pot while he was at it.

Little Lunatic Wei was clearly the core of the soul warlock system, but the white cabbage was the one who was cowering the most.

Chen Feng stared at him.

Brother Cai: QAQ!

His jungler king rescued him from this encirclement. "It's not very suitable."

At this moment, Wei Little Xiao was like Bai Caicai's reborn parent, his life-saving benefactor, and he would repay him with his bod... ah, no, Brother Cai was being presumptuous!

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