Chapter 203.1 - 203.2

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Chapter 203.1: Let's bet. Laozi bets three million betting coins that RR will win!"

That final reversal even stunned Wei Xiao. "Beautiful!"

He praised Money unceremoniously, "Captain Mo grasped the timing of that attack too well. He locked in completely on Eurostar's position. The thing that makes this wave so amazing is that Eurostar didn't make any mistakes in positioning, and TPT's support and top-lane had both been standing in dead corners. Captain Mo still managed to find the opportunity to cut him down, and his release and prejudgment of his skills were both extremely accurate. That was the only way he was able to take down Eurostar!"

And Eurostar's fall had been the start of TPT's collapse.

Their big c-position had been killed, making it difficult for them to gain any benefits against RR's five, who were sweeping forward with great momentum despite the gap in farm.

This defeat had been like a landslide. No matter how much of an advantage TPT had had before, this sudden death wave in the late stage was a collapse that shattered the heavens and split the earth.

This was also where the charm of the competition lay; there were unexpected events that went beyond strategy.

Wei Xiao praised this wave vigorously, managing not to repeat himself, all the way until he saw one line in the scrolling comments--

"Q Cub, look at your captain."

Wei Xiao: "!"

"If you keep praising, your captain's going to die of jealousy!"

Wei Xiao quickly turned his head. With one look... if they weren't live broadcasting, then he would've leaned over to kiss him.

The scrolling comments were joking, but Wei Xiao could see it clearly: Lu Feng had really gotten jealous and was eating the kind of vinegar that meant that he might be sent back to sleep in the master bedroom at any time!

Wei Xiao didn't have any more attention to spare for some Mo Hui, Mo White, or Mo Red, and quickly went to coax him, "Cough, if my captain was the one playing this death knight, then Eurostar would've died thousands of times already."

Lu Feng stuffed a piece of watermelon at him.

Wei Xiao's cheeks puffed out as he worked hard to eat it.

The scrolling comments laughed so hard they were unable to catch their breath and joked, "If I didn't know Little Lunatic Wei's character, then I really would think that the two of you were having an affair!"

These words were mixed in with a pile of scrolling comments exclaiming about how sweet they were, but Wei Xiao noticed it, and his heart inexplicably tensed up slightly.

There were others who were trying to make trouble, latching on to Wei Xiao's earlier words. "So, based on this, is God Q more afraid of TPT?"

Wei Xiao's joy had overflowed in his words when RR won. From another perspective, it was as if he hadn't wanted TPT to win. Why didn't he want them to win? Wasn't it because he was afraid to meet them in the finals?

This logic...

The haters were working hard!

Wei Xiao smiled broadly and retorted, "Who am I afraid of? I'll only be afraid of my captain in this lifetime."

Scrolling comments: "......."

Wei Xiao followed up and asked, "Which player in TPT is more powerful than my captain?"

The haters: "......" Sorry, please excuse us!

The fans started getting excited again. They all expressed that ever since they started being Quiet fans, they didn't know what it meant to eat a loss!

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