Chapter 211.1 - 211.2

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Chapter 211.1: They didn't want to lose!

TPT were the ones who really felt like they were dreaming. They hadn't yet come back to their senses even after the game ended.

Fu Li's face was as somber as still water. After taking off his headset, he headed straight for the backstage lounge.

The commentators were analyzing the match just now and praising Ning Zhehan, saying that this newcomer king deserved his title, and that his overall ability was very high. It was outstanding for him to be able to play so brilliantly when competing on the stage of the finals for the first time.

The audience were also misled by this analysis and believed that it was Ning Zhehan who'd carried the game, suddenly 'figuring things out' and beating up the godly calculator.

However, Fu Li knew exactly who he'd lost to.

It wasn't Ning Zhehan, it was Wei Xiao.

Ning Zhehan hadn't changed anything. What had changed was the person who had cooperated with him.

In the first half of the match, Ning Zhehan and Bai Cai had been oppressed by Fu Li and Du Yi in the middle lane. Wei Xiao had come to provide support many times, but they'd failed to get any results. The main reason for this was that Fu Li had chosen to avoid fighting when faced with a 3v2 situation, and FTW also had no way to force him to fight.

Wei Xiao couldn't remain in the middle lane the whole time. As long as he left, Fu Li and Du Yi would begin to mess with Ning Zhehan and Bai Cai again.

This routine worked well in the first half of the game, until Bai Cai went to the bottom lane.

3v2 became 2v2. There was no need for Fu Li and Du Yi to hide, and if they could suppress Wei Xiao and Ning Zhehan together, then TPT's win would become much easier to obtain.

Unfortunately, Wei Xiao hadn't been playing cards based on common sense right from the start.

He gave Ning Zhehan a blue buff, then used the berserker thief like a power thief when fighting, controlling Du Yi and giving Ning Zhehan and Fu Li a chance to solo.

Reasonably speaking, Fu Li wouldn't lose to Ning Zhehan on his own. What's more, he had the dominant position in farm, and the immortal warlock could easily kill the spirit mage.

But everything had happened too suddenly. What Fu Li was most worried about was Wei Xiao, and in order to avoid the berserker thief's scythe, he'd sent himself right into Ning Zhehan's control.

The spirit mage had four skills and five strong controls (its passive ability meant that its general attacks could send its opponent flying). Once he was given the chance to attack first, then his squishy talent who had no purification could only wait for his death to approach.

Once Fu Li died, Du Yi would have no way to retreat.

Ning Zhehan, who'd gotten a double kill, instantly caught up on most of the farm that he'd fallen behind on during the early stage. At the same time, he started finding a feel for the game again.

After that, FTW's mid-jungler linkage seemed to have been tailored against TPT.

The inseparable spirit mage and berserker thief locked in on the immortal warlock and would show up wherever he was.

If Fu Li ignored Wei Xiao and only attacked Ning Zhehan, then Wei Xiao would instantly let him know what a daddy berserker thief was; if Fu Li paid attention to Wei Xiao and avoided his attacks, then Wei Xiao would turn his attention to Du Yi and give Ning Zhehan the opportunity to fight.

Any judgements he made were useless for Wei Xiao because he had no rules.

What was more ridiculous was Ning Zhehan. He acted like he'd been injected with chicken blood, and was filled with excited energy once he'd gotten the double kill. He was completely different from the little newbie who'd been timid and cowering at the start of the game, and his fierceness was like his body had been taken over by Xie He.

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