Chapter 251.1 - 251.2

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Chapter 251.1: Where's the little lunatic!

translator: xiin
editor: apricot

After the game, the sound of tremendous applause could be heard outside the noise cancelling headphones. The commentators spoke even more passionately with hoarse voices. As a non-professional commentator, how could Eurostar-star's commentary compete with their reservoir of phrases? Even if he could, there was no way to interject as Brother Mouth was already full steam ahead, speaking at a shocking speed and using witty phrases. No one should even think of interrupting.

But Eurostar was excited enough that his cheeks were flushed red. So, he stood up and clapped wildly, and the sounds of his palms meeting were even fiercer than those of the audience!

This scene was recorded, and later on, it became part of Euro God's dark history. We'll skip it and move on.

The whole atmosphere was boiling with excitement, but the players on the stage weren't able to come back to their senses that quickly.

They'd been too focused on the game, their nerves too immersed in it, and it was as though they hadn't yet come back out of the canyon.

The headphones cut off the restless sounds of the world outside, so the contestants were able to hear their own heartbeats more clearly.

Thump thump thump, thump thump thump.

Pounding too quickly as if their hearts wanted to jump out of their chests.

Little Ning's expression was incredulous. "We... we won?"

Beside him, Bai Cai couldn't manage a reply.

Yue Wenle was numb and dazed. It was like he'd lost his soul and couldn't speak.

Brother Cai: "F*ck!"

A huge rush of joy burst through his chest, gushing out and spreading instantly through the nerves across his entire body.

Even the tip of his tongue felt sweet. Every strand of hair felt great.

Ning Zhehan jumped up. "We made it into the global top four!"

He turned around and hugged Bai Cai fully, and Bai Cai didn't have any attention to spare for how he was pressed into Little Ning's arms and whether or not it was embarrassing. He hugged him back just as tightly and really wanted to jump around with him.

When the camera swept over, it caught the scene of them shifting from a stunned daze to excitement, moving the fans who'd followed their whole journey so much so that their eyes heated and tears gathered.

It hadn't been easy...

It hadn't been easy at all.

They thought back to the competition in the winter training camp, where L&P had played against FTW like adults toying with children, casually taking a win.

At the time, Ning Zhehan, Yue Wenle, and Bai Cai had all been awed by the aura of the Team of Gods and were tied up in knots and nervous.

But now, half a year later, one season later, they were already able to compete with the Team of Gods, could already stand shoulder to shoulder with the great demon king, and already had enough strength to hold up FTW!

Wei Xiao's mood was fairly stable. Only his fingers were trembling; not because they'd won, but because the game just now had been too exciting and fun.

When it came to e-sports, winning was everything.

But this time, he experienced more than just a win.

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