Chapter 201.1 - 201.2

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Chapter 201.1: Isn't it fun to have a love triangle?

The China competition zone's 12th season second national semi-finals officially began at 7PM!

Similar to the FTW and 3U games, the fans also crowded the venue for this game, screaming out the names of their favorite star players.

RR Moonlit, RR Mo Hui, TPT Fu Li, TPT Eurostar...

All kinds of lights and fan merchandise were everywhere. RR's team color was dark blue, and TPT's team color was orange red. One was a cold color and the other a hot color, and they clearly divided up the venue!

Wei Xiao was a little fortunate in that he hadn't gone to the scene... even if he had entered from the backstage, it would've been super crowded!

He'd posted up a Weibo post two hours in advance, telling fans that he would be holding a live broadcast session and commentating on the game.

The fans rushed to tell each other about it, commenting and forwarding it tens of thousand times within minutes.

It wasn't uncommon for professional players to provide live commentary on the games between other teams. Some teams would even ask famous players to come and commentate for them.

Live broadcasting was an important assessment index for the players, and live broadcasting while commentating on a game was a better option compared to streaming themselves eating and sleeping in order to fill their broadcast quota.

Firstly, it enhanced the player's reputation, and secondly, it provided more interaction with the fans. Thirdly, it was a way of training and reviewing a game... There were many advantages, and the clubs were always happy to see it happen.

A Q fan quipped, "The finals are coming up soon. Does darling still have to make up livestream time?"

Darling Wei didn't know how he himself had become a Darling, but... it didn't matter. He even went and replied, "I filled my quota a long time ago, this is just because I love you."

The fans: "!!!" A comment thread was built up instantly, filled with shrill chicken screaming.

Coincidentally, Close also forwarded this Weibo post, and his content was as concise as ever, "Together."

The fans had already been very excited, and they exploded on the spot once they saw Close's Weibo post.

"Together what?"

"It's not what I think, is it? Is the great demon king going to commentate on the game tonight?"

"Holy shit, fellow sisters, I don't want to go to the arena anymore. Does anyone want the tickets?"

"Fellow sister, wake up, wouldn't it be great to watch the live broadcast on your cell phone from the arena?"

"...... The previous poster is a fierce one."

Lu Feng had been in the industry for many years, but he didn't livestream often, let alone provide commentary for a game.

As the head of the club, he was better off dealing with the affairs of the club that piled up like a mountain when he had spare time.

What's more, he didn't speak much. How was this kind of silent character suited to provide commentary?

The fans couldn't imagine it.

But now...

"It's all thanks to Quiet, thanks to Wei Xiaoxiao, thanks to the new generation jungler king. You've created many miracles for us!"

"Yeah, Quiet must have spoken up and asked for Close. How else would he come to explain the game?"

"I want to know how Quiet asked. Was it in bed... cough cough..."

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