Chapter 26

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~Jungkook's POV~

Daytime TV sucks. I keep flipping through the channels on the TV in my room but find nothing to watch. Sighing in defeat I turn the TV off and pick up the book Namjoon brought earlier. It's been six hours since I woke up and we still haven't gotten the okay to see Yoongi. The patience needed is slowly leaving me and I swear I'll scream if I don't get to see him soon.

Opening the book in my lap I turn to the page where I left off and continue reading about world of the superatural and unliving. I know it's weird to be into that stuff but then again I never said I was normal. Just when I finally get into the mood of the book, there is a knock on the door before Namjoon walks in with a weelchair and Jin right behind him.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Well, I thought I was taking my persisting little brother to go see my best friend, who happens to be his boyfriend, but maybe I got the wrong room." He turns to leave but knocks into Jin.

"Get in there." Jin commands smirking at him, I try to suppress a laugh.

Namjoon glares at him before walking into the room. There goes my thought that they were beginning to get along. But it seems that they really don't like each other. Still, it contradicts what I saw in the garage two days ago. Honestly, I have no idea what is going on anymore.

"You ready?" Namjoon asks before helping me sit up.

Nodding, I balance on my good leg, and hop into the weelchair. I feel so small sitting in it, not that I'm that tall to begin with. Namjoon pushes the weelchair out of the room and down the hall Jin walking besides us, I feel like I have a secret agent protecting me.

We reach double doors with the words ICU written at the top. When we pass through them we're in a corridor with rooms on either side of us. Three doors down Namjoon stops and Jin opens the door quietly. I see JooYeon sitting on a chair beside the bed, looking exhausted but happy.

"Hey sweetie." She whispers to me. "He is still asleep, but the doctors say he should wake up any minute."

I can't take my eyes off the bed. Yoongi. He's so pale, his lips chapped and his body lifeless. He seems so peaceful, but unreal. It's as if he's already gone. I shake the thought away. No, he is alive and he is gonna wake up any minute. He is gonna be okay.

As the thought crosses my mind, I smile. He is going to be okay, we are all going to be okay. Even if we will need a crap load of therapy for this. My smile fades a little as I think of Kat, I don't want to hate her, I don't hate her. I promised I would always be her friend and I keep my word but I feel so disappointed and sad. But there is nothing I can do.

"Get me closer, hyung." I whisper not wanting to disturb the peace in the room.

My weelchair is pushed across the tiled floor and JooYeon stands up so that my weelchair is right next to the bed. I take Yoongi's hand in mine, I don't know why I expected them to be cold but the warmth oozing from them tightens my throat and brings tears to my eyes.

"I'm going to go get some coffee." JooYeon says and leaves the room.

I barely notice, my full attention is on Yoongi. Namjoon backs away from me and stands at the end of Yoongi's bed. "He seems to pale."

"He just had surgery, he lost a lot of blood." Jin speaks up. "He will be okay."

"I know, I just wish I was there, I would have helped him."

"It's not you're fault." I say to him. "Just like it's not mine, or yours." I say looking at Jin. "Just be glad he is okay."

"Yeah, although, no one told you to come looking for me." Jin adds. "I could have easily gotten to the school on my own."

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