Chapter 25

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~Jungkook's POV~

Voices. Everywhere, all at once. It's so much noise, can't they keep it down? My head hurts so much and the constant banging of their voices in it is only making it grow stronger. My mind feels hazy, like I've slept for far too long, how long have I been out? I can't understand anything being said, I'm that groggy.

I try to open my eyes but it's like some weight is pulling them shut. Then I hear shuffling and it gets really quiet. Someone is standing next to me, but who?

"Jungkook? Can you hear me?" Namjoon?

My eyes flutter again as I try to open them one more time. This time I don't give in to the pull to leave them shut, and manage to crack them open a little enough to see Namjoon leaning over me, a concerned look on his face. My big brother,always there to take care of me. Namjoon never lets me down and I can tell he is really upset.

"H-H-Hyung." I manage to get out through my heavy chest.

"Shh, don't force yourself, it's okay, relax." He says stroking my hair. "God, I'm so glad you're okay, Kookie."

I smile faintly, and move my hand, the grogginess seems to be leaving me the more I stay focused on the here and now. Reaching for Namjoon's hand I give him a reassuring squeeze. It's the best I can do right now. I look around the room to see where all the voices I heard were coming from. Jin is standing behind Namjoon, he gives me a reassuring smile.

"Wh-where is Yoongi?" I ask my voice heavy.

Jin's face falls and he looks at Namjoon. I look over at Namjoon too, what is going on? The only sound in the room is my distressed breathing as I wait for one of them to tell me where my boyfriend is. I don't want to think what their silence means. Please God, don't tell me he.. No, he couldn't have. Please. Tears spring to my eyes. I plead with Namjoon, who is looking at me, to just tell me what is going on.

"For goodness sakes, just tell him." A voice commands.

I cringe. It couldn't be. Turning my head slowly to the other side of the room, I see my mother and father. They are standing in front of the giant window that gives the room light. My breathing becomes more distressed as I look at them. Why are they here? I don't want them here! Get them out!

"Jungkook, look at me. Look at me!" Namjoon demands. I look up at him and see regret on his face. "You needed surgery for your leg, your ligaments were messed up. They needed parental consent, I'm sorry."

My leg? Surgery? I look at my leg and see that it's in a cast. Semi-suspended in mid-air. Why hadn't I noticed that before? Parental consent? No, I don't want them here!

"M-make... them...go...away." I wheeze.

Namjoon nods and turns to Jin. "Can you show them the way out?"

Jin locks eyes with me, then nods. "Mr. and Mrs. Jeon, please leave."

"What? First of all, he is my son, I have all the right to be here. Second of all you are the one who has no reason to be here so I suggest you leave." My mother sneers.

"Really? We are not your sons. We're just two people who used to be your punching bags. Now get the Hell out!" Namjoon demands.

Poor Namjoon, he had to fight with our parents all our lives. It's like second nature for him to defend me and keep me safe. I wish he didn't have to grow up so fast but our mother made sure that our childhood was anything but that. We had to learn the cruelties of the world faster than most. It was worse for Namjoon since he took most of the blunt trying to keep me safe. He needs to stop trying to protect me and find what makes him happy. I wish I could tell him that, but I can barely talk.

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