Chapter 21

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~Jungkook's POV~

"Kook, snap out of it already!" Gigi screams in my ear making me flinch, her voice resounding in my head which hasn't stopped throbbing..

"And watch where you're going, kiddo." Ivy demands as she jerks me by the arm making me barely miss hitting an open loker. "We don't know what's wrong but you need to come back from space."

I wish I could. But I've been looking over my shoulders every minute since Yoongi told me that Taehyung was in school. It's not that I'm afraid, I just don't want to face him. If he is the one behind all the notes, I don't want to talk to him, ever.

"Maybe we should get Kat, she always knows how to pull him out of his slumps." Gigi says to Ivy.

"I don't need a Katherine Pierce intervention. I just need to find Yoongi and make sure everything's okay." I say dully, weary of all that has to do with school.

It's a good thing it's over for the day. Or maybe that's a bad thing, since I can't see Yoongi anywhere in the crowded halls. I can usually spot him and Namjoon from a mile away but now they're nowhere in sight. That makes my stomach knot up with worry of where they can possibly be.

"Well, I still think talking to her may help, she can always calm you down."

"Talking to Kat won't calm me down!" I snap, making both girls jump. I sway on my feet from the sudden movement, supid concussion, maybe it's worse than I thought. "Besides she wasn't at lunch, who knows where she's at."

"She had to do some work at the library, I saw her in eighth period." Ivy says quietly, watching me with worried eyes along with Gigi.

"I'm sorry, I'm just stressed. And if she was in eighth period, where is she now?"

They look at each other, then at me, shrugging as they open the double doors leading to the back of the school where the field is. I sigh, maybe I should talk to Kat, her reaction this morning still has me worried.

I search the field for Yoongi but I don't see him. Namjoon's not there either. Where did those two go? I head for the parking lot at the front of the school, Gigi and Ivy following me. When I turn at the last corner to the front, my phone vibrates in my pocket. I reach to pull it out and have it in my hand when I hear arguing.

Checking my phone, I see that it's a text message from Namjoon. I'm about to open it and read it when Gigi gasps. "Isn't that Yoongi?"

My head shoots up and sure enough it is Yoongi. And he's with Taehyung. Crap. I take off running across the wide parking lot, leaving the two Musketeers gawking at the fight ready to erupt. I have to try very hard not to fall over from the way my head is spinning. When I reach Yoongi's side he seems to be trying very hard to keep his temper in check. His hands are balled into fists and his face is blotched with red spots.

Turning my attention to Taehyung, I see that he doesn't look angry, just depressed. Something isn't right. Why wouldn't Taehyung be mad? He's not the type of guy who will let you accuse him of something like death threats and not get angry, whether he did it or not. So why does he just look sad and defeated?

"Yoongi, what's going on?" I ask looking at him again.

"He won't say a word about the notes." He manages to get out through his gritted teeth. "He won't admid to sending them, but he won't deny it either."

My eyes flicker to Taehyung and I see that he's looking at me so I turn to him. "Where did you go Taehyung? Why did you leave VA Beach without telling anyone?"

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