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Today was a pretty morning. Taehee woke up and went to cook breakfast. She set the dinning table and Hoseok arrived. 

Hoseok- Good morning Taehee-ssi.

Taehee- Good Morning Hobi-ssi.

Hoseok- Well, today, I will be back in the afternoon. We can clean the house today since it is a Saturday and go watch a movie in the theater.

Taehee- Great idea. Today, I wasn't going to the studio anyways.

With this, they smiled at each other and had their breakfast and Hoseok left for his office.

Taehee's POV

Hobi-ssi said that he would be back by 1. Right now, it is 9. Let me do the dishes and then take a long bath. Today, we are cleaning together for like the first time. I am excited to spend my time with Hobi-ssi. I just hope that nothing go wrong.

End Of Taehee's POV

She did the dishes. Since they were many, it took her almost 35 minutes to complete them. She went to her shared bedroom and took out some clothes to put on after bath from her walking closet. She chose to wear a pair of night suit today. She took out a pair and kept on the bed and went inside the shower to bath. As usual, she cried in the bathroom.  After spending good 90 minutes inside the bathroom, she came out and wore her clothes. It was 11:07 now. She went downstairs and watched some dance choreography tutorials and had a conversation with Hana. This was when the bell rang.

She got up and opened the anticipating Hoseok but a girl was standing there with a smile plastered on his face. Her smile did not drop looking at Taehee. To Taehee, she seemed to be a beautiful girl full of manners and ethics. She wore a simple floral cloth and looked breathtaking. She walked in and stood there.

 She walked in and stood there

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???- Hi. Can I meet Mr. Jung Hoseok?

Taehee- Sure, but may I know what is your name and who are you?

???- I am-

She was cut by a sudden appearance. Seeing the appearance, ??? ran to him and hugged him wrapping her legs around his waist. The sudden appearance was made by Hoseok. It was already 1:27. Looking at this position of them, Taehee understood that it was none other than Kang Hani. Her heart broke into pieces. Her face turned sad and pale. This did not go unnoticed by Hoseok and Hani.

Hoseok immediately broke off the hug with Hani. At first she felt weird but then went with the flow. 

Hoseok- Taehee-ssi, please can you fetch me a glass of water?

Taehee went to the kitchen to get him a glass of water. Meanwhile, the other 2 sat down.

Hani- Babe, how have you been? How were you this whole month? You okay right?

Taehee got him the water and she also sat in the sofa with them.

Hani- Babe, who is this beautiful girl? Is she Haein's wife?

Hoseok- Hani, she is not Haein's wife.

Hani- Then who is she?

Hoseok- She is my wife.

Hani's face lost all the color. She was speechless. But, she supported Hoseok so she asked him everything. Everything starting from the day he landed.

Hoseok told her everything what happened. How they had to meet each other, the circumstances, her heartbreak, the marriage, what all happened between them in this one month. 

Hani- Hobi, I am proud of you. 

Taehee looked up at Hani. 

Hani- You saved a girl's life Hobi. This is the best thing you could do. I support you in everything you do. 

Hoseok smiled listening to her words because he knew that she would understand him. Then, Hani faced Taehee and said something.

Hani- Taehee-ssi, you are really pretty. Please take care of Hoseok. He is an innocent soul who loves the cheer everyone up and lighten the mood. The human heart is very small and his is also small but his heart holds a lot of feelings for his loved ones that he doesn't express often. 

Hani stands up and so does Taehee and Hoseok. She walks off near to the gate and turns around. 

Hani- Hoseok-ah, our journey together was till here only. I wish you all the happiness and pleasure. I wish you both a happy married life. Take care of each other and support each other. I am happy to see you happy with her Hoseok. As of you Taehee. If Hoseok troubles you, scolds you, does not listen to you, don't hesitate to call me. I am back in Soul and will stay with my parents only. I will move on because a long distance relationship is just not my thingy. Taehee, please add one more name in your best friend's list. KANG HANI. Okay?

Taehee nodded with a faint smile and tears in her eyes. Hoseok also had tears but a big smile plastered on his face. Hani left their house. Of course she was also crying but she knew that this was the best. She saw care and affection in their eyes for each other. Also, she knew that their relationship can never work out because they were in a long distance relationship, second their families were business rivals.   She was sad that they broke up.

On the other hand something was going to happen with someone.

I hope you like it and do not copy my work. Also do not forget to follow, comment, vote for my work. Stay tuned for the next part.

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