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Hoseok distanced himself from Taehee making her all confused. He talked to her less. He slept with her but blamed himself.

Today, again the cycle repeated itself. Taehee woke up and went down only to witness Hoseok sitting  on the dinning table with an expressionless face. Taehee went near him and served him the pancakes that the cook had already made. He did not utter a word and finished his brecky. He stood up and dropped his plate and the glass of juice in the sink. He left without saying a word.

Taehee was feeling sad this time. She knew that something was bothering Hoseok but she was not able to make out the thing that was bothering him. Her tears threatened to fall but she did not let them fall and blinked her eyes to vanish them away. She was feeling sad today. Still, she went to the studio to practice  because she has been taking a lot of leaves and right now Hana is also on leave because she is on a vacation with Seokjin. She left for the studio wearing her sweat pants and the bra covered with a jacket.

 She left for the studio wearing her sweat pants and the bra covered with a jacket

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She practiced her steps for hours. And was exhausted. So, she decided to back home. 


I was working in my office, checking some of the collaboration files. I have distanced myself from Taehee because I think that she still loves Haein. But, she cried in front of me because of him. No, I don't think that what I am thinking is true. Taehee said that she loves me. She even slapped him. I have to talk to Taehee. 


Hoseok called Taehee who had already reached the house an was sitting there watching netflix. Her face curled up into a smile after seeing that Hoseok has called her. 


Hello, baby... why are you angry on me? Is everything fine? You know right, we can talk and work it out...

Hello Taehee! I am not angry on you. Its just that since a few days, I intentionally distanced you from myself...


Actually, I started to think that you still like Haein and I was just a passerby in your life and I am hindering his love...My own brother's love....*shaky voice*

Baby, I love you only... The passerby was Haein who was with me just for pleasure... You are the one I am willing to complete the journey with... Don't think like that... I am the one for you and you are the one for me... Come home fast...I am waiting for you...

Yes babe!! Got it..

You know, how much I missed you calling me babe...

I know and I am sorry for that.... 

That is better...are we good now?


Okay then come home fast, we'll cuddle and watch something like....




Fiftyshadesofgreyor365dni!! *she said in one go*

Like FIFTY SHADES OF GREY OR 365 DNI...Then we can do the practical as well... Well, I can feel your cheeks burn up red due to embarrassment...

Ok bye...I have to prepare for the practical...Come home soon baby! *in a seductive voice*

I love you!!

Love you too!!


Hoseok resumed his work and Taehee went to take a bath. She took a long 40 minutes bath and came out and started to set the things for the movie. 


Haein had received the edits a day ago and also made the payment. According to the plan, he went to Hoseok's house. He sent his photos of Taehee kissing him with a recent camera date edit to Hoseok. Hoseok who was all set to go back home received the photos. His heart clenched and he felt very angry. Because of the time and date on the photo, Hoseok thought that Taehee lied to him on the phone. 

Hobi is a person who hates lies and this makes him burn in anger. He was enraged and his eyes were scary and burning to anger. He was hurt. He drove off in the full speed in his house only to witness, Haein and Taehee eating food. 

He went near them and pushed Haein and grabbed Taehee's arm and pinned her to the wall. Haein was scared as hell so he excused and left from there. 

Hoseok squeezed her arm making her whimper in pain.

He questioned her why did she cheat on him. Anger was clearly visible in his eyes with sadness and hurt. Taehee asked him what happened and he showed her the pictures that were sent to him by an unknown number.

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Taehee was shocked seeing such pictures of her with her own brother in law

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Taehee was shocked seeing such pictures of her with her own brother in law. She was feeling disgusted. She tried to go near Hoseok and hug him but he pushed her away and asked her a question that why did she do it...was his love for hr not enough... Tears were rolling down both of their eyes.

Hoseok left Taehee and went to Namjoon's place. All the members except Seokjin were there. Hoseok was not ready to listen to anything. All he could see and feel was betrayal. Taehee on the other hand was a crying mess. All she knew was that she is still a virgin and that it is nothing but just a misunderstanding.

The big question arises now which was "WHO SENT THESE PHOTOS"

I hope you like it and do not copy my work. Also do not forget to follow, comment, vote for my work. Stay tuned for the next part.

REPLACED | JHS FF { ✔ EDITED ✔}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora