14: Eight Hearts To Dedicate

Start from the beginning

"Sacrificing ODM talent for medical talent. That's what Section Commander Erwin said. In that regard, I guess we'd just be an unusual type of Scout."

A smile plays across Thea's lips as a new idea crosses her mind. "You think we'll get to wear their uniform?"

You chuckle at her excitement. "Maybe. We probably wouldn't wear the harnesses, but maybe we'd get a cool jacket or something."

"That'd be fun. We'd have to show off to Clark when we see him again."

"For sure."

"Nurses." Erwin has appeared behind you, just exiting the main building. "Saddle up. Thea, Hange wants you."

"Sure thing, Section Commander." Thea's on her feet, you with her.

You pick up Cyrus before joining Ruth and Oscar in following Erwin through the forest, observing the flying Scouts overhead. Erwin is in the lead several meters ahead, and your trio eyes him with newfound suspicion.

"Have either of you put thought into it?" Ruth is in the middle, though her horse walks closer to Oscar's. It's subtle, but you have to grin at her hidden attachment to Oscar.

"I have," you answer, focusing on the dire decision to join the Scout Regiment as opposed to the mushy story of the lovebirds beside you. "But I haven't reached a decision yet."

"I dunno, either," Oscar says. "What about you, Ruth?"

Ruth keeps her eyes on the blond head in front of her. "I'm joining."

You jump at her candid answer. "Seriously?"

"R-Ruth?" Oscar's voice cracks with desperation as he bears witness to the news he isn't ready for.

"Yes. I'm joining." Ruth grips her reins tightly, using Erwin as a focal point to ground herself.

"Why?" Oscar squeaks, dumfounded by her determination.

"Because I take opportunities. And it's an opportunity."

"But—it—you could die out there—"

"I know that," Ruth interrupts. "I know death is a possibility. Still, it's an opportunity that I...I just want to take. I want to get out of Stohess. I want to stay away from that aristocratic lifestyle. Going outside sounds so wonderful—like exactly what I want. The chance of death feels miniscule compared to that."

You nor Oscar are sure of what to do when faced with this unwavering resolution. Ruth has always been the straightforward type, but to hear her commit to something so decisively is entirely unexpected. Putting her life on the line must feel next to irrelevant when faced with something so wondrous to her.

"I know it's a big choice, but I don't want to spend too much time dithering over it. I'm joining the Scouts, and I'll see where that takes me." Ruth looks to the trees above, her eyes dancing to keep up with the soldiers. "If death is the outcome, then so be it. I'll accept that over my cramped life in Stohess."

"That's insane, Ruth," Oscar breathes.

"I'm not insane," Ruth denies coldly as she stares down Oscar. "Do you think I'm insane?"

"No," he quickly replies. "Not at all."

"Good," Ruth says, which seems to calm Oscar. "Because I'm not. And if I'm the only nurse that ends up joining, then that's fine with me. Don't feel compelled to follow me."

"I-I..." Oscar can't determine if he will or will not heed that notion. He lowers his head, still wallowing in this sudden truth. Ruth can be a fierce warrior when she wants to be, and Oscar becomes not much more than a servile follower when she does. They haven't known each other long, but a clear system of balanced emotions and alternating roles is already being set in place. It's almost impressive.

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