the awkward breakfast

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"you make my heart suffer only by your presence

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"you make my heart suffer only by your presence."

"Ofcourse our mension is beautiful but not more than miss y/n" taehyung said with a mischievous smile tugged on his lips.
Y/n didn't knew why but she was not getting good vibes from him.
She wanna shout on his face that it's "mrs park y/n" not miss y/n anymore. But that will be obviously sound rude at this moment and she doesn't want to ruin anything on her first day after wedding.
"You are really smart bear, ofcourse y/n is more beautiful" jimin said clinging to taehyung and they entered the mension.

 "You are really smart bear, ofcourse y/n is more beautiful" jimin said clinging to taehyung and they entered the mension

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The interior was making the mansion look like a ancient palace. There was a long hall which was connected to the next floor by stairs facing each other.
Y/n was a little surprised to see all of this. She knows that park family have a millionaire business but she didn't knows that they have this much luxurious mension which was totally giving her the feel of a hotel.
Then a soft voice gain her attention,
"Good morning dear" Mrs park said coming out of the kitchen.
Y/n greeted her with a little bow and step forward to help them.
"Don't. Just shit here and let me pamper my daughter a little." Mrs park said after pulling out a chair for her.
"So now you don't want to pamper me anymore?" Jimin said making a sad and angry pout.
"No kiddi, you are my sweetest son and I'll always pamper you but you know that y/n is new here so we should make her feel like home, right?" Mrs park said arranging the cutlery on the table.
"Ohh! Yeah. Ohk y/n I'll also pamper you from now on" and after saying that he stands up from his chair beside taehyung and came to sit near y/n.
Y/n was trying hard not to show her emotions on her face but the bold move of jimin infront of her brother and mother was making her weak again.
"How can he say things with so much ease?" Y/n was getting more and more nervous.
And then mr park came down, with everyone else y/n also greeted him. He gave her a small pat on her head like her dad before sitting on his chair.
Now she was feeling a bit emotional that how much these people cherishing her and that was reminding her of her parents.
"I am missing you mom, dad." She said in her head.
And the next moment there was a spoon in front of her mouth. She got flinched for a moment and then she get to know that jimin was trying to make her feed with his hand.
"I'll eat by myself" she said in a low voice not to show her blush in front of everyone.
"Have one bite, pwwwwees" he said making a cute little pout which y/n can hardly resist but thinking about the other people she was about to said no again when Mrs park said,
"Just have it dear and tell me how is it?
I had made your favourite tteokbokki."
Y/n saw her with widened eyes.
"Awww don't get surprised dear, I asked your mom" mrs park again said.
"Y/nnnnnnnn! My hand is hurting now" jimin said with whine.
"S...sorry" and then y/n had a bite from his spoon.
"It's really delicious aunty." Y/n said with a small smile.
"Oh, thanks dear but now stop calling me aunty. Am I not your mom?" She also said dramatically.
"Ofcourse you are mom" finally y/n gave a boxy smile.
And then after a few moments mrs park again spoke,
"So when did you guys planning to go on your honeymoon?"
And there goes y/n, she again choked on her food and now she was having a really hard time with her throat cause the food was spicy.
At first jimin gave her a shocked face but soon he again started smiling and giving her a glass of water he said,

At first jimin gave her a shocked face but soon he again started smiling and giving her a glass of water he said,

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"What happened y/n? Why are you choking on everything today?"
And then they all were staring jimin.
"What?" He said with a little thoughtful look.
"Choking on everything means?" This time taehyung asked.
"Yeah, she choked on water when we were leaving from our home" he said tapping his spoon.
"Y/n are you okay dear?" Mr park asked.
Jimin was also looking towards her like he also wants to ask her.
"Yeah, I am okay" she gave them a little nod.
And mr park spoke again,
"So jimin! If you guys had decided then you can take off from work. Just told taehyung everything about your project."
"Yeah dad, we can....." Jimin was about to complete her statement when y/n cut him in the middle.
"We can't" and now there was a deadly silence for few seconds. No one was saying anything.
"Don't you wanna go y/n?" Jimin finally break the silence.
The situation got too awkward for everyone.
And then y/n said clearing her throat,
"No, it's not like that. It's just that the magazine I am working on is going to be inaugurate next week."
"Ohh, you are literally like taehyung y/n" Mrs park said with a chuckle. And y/n took a sigh of relief as the surrounding gets a little bit lighter. But the next moment her eyes met with taehyung's eyes and he wasn't looking pleasent with the comparison at all.
"Okay then we will go after that" jimin again said with a cheerful voice.
And then the men got up after having done with their breakfast. After getting his stuff jimin call out for y/n coming back from his room.
"Come y/n I'll drop you on my way to the office."
"Okay mom, take care of yourself bye." Y/n said to mrs park.
"Okay dear, and you too take care of yourself and jimin." Mrs park said hugging her.
And then they left for their work together.
Jimin was not talking at all so y/n was getting unnecessary thoughts that he might be hurt because of that honeymoon thing. So y/n tried to talk to him,
"Jimin I didn't do that on purpose. It was just momentary and I spoke in between you. I am sorry if you felt bad."
And jimin was staring her with narrow eyes.

Hello army
Hope you guys are fine ☺️
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