An invitation

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Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.


You can only see the beauty in the innocence when you give it all your attention."

Y/n was about to push him when jimin again said,
"Bear why you always come home late. I was waiting for you and now I am sleepy so good night will talk in the morning" and after saying so he tighten his hands around y/n waist.
"Is he said this for real?" Y/n was in utter shock.
"He said this for that grumpy man. Gosh he was looking so suspicious in the whole ceremony. And his smile, that wasn't seems to be real at all.
I don't know how much close these two are but listening this from your husband for someone else that too in your wedding night.....
Y/n, stop it. Are you getting crazy? Why are you thinking that much?
He is already asleep and this is what all you had wanted, so just shut your stupid thoughts and try to sleep.
Being in a new place and that too with someone so clingy like jimin was making it so hard for y/n to fell asleep. She was turning and tossing herself in the bed and after struggling for like ages she finally got drifted to the dream land but it seems like a blink of eye when she heard her alarm ringing.
"Oh god am feeling like I had slept a few minutes ago and now it's time to wake up again" she was mumbling to herself in barely understandable sleepy voice.
And then her eyes stopped at jimin's face. She ofcourse had seen him many time and we can say a few times from very close too.
But then also he was looking like a beautiful dream which will disappear in a blink of eye and y/n didn't want to let it go that's why she was trying to have it all in her memory that she can remember it when he will be awake.

But then also he was looking like a beautiful dream which will disappear in a blink of eye and y/n didn't want to let it go that's why she was trying to have it all in her memory that she can remember it when he will be awake

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

And y/n was still staring the sleepy jimin when his phone rang and he groaned in his sleep.
She quickly turned around and ran to the washroom.
She can hear jimin's unclear voice coming from their bed.
"What you want ugly bear?"
And y/n greeted her tooth in annoyance.
"Can't he just left him alone even for the day. Even when it is the first day after his wedding" y/n muttered.
And then she got freshen up and walk out of the washroom after having shower.
"Good morning y/n" jimin said with his usual bright smile.
"Morning" y/n said with a small smile.
Y/n was feeling a little bit uneasy. Jimin was looking straight towards her. her hairs were tied in a messy bun and she can still feel a little wetness from the shower on her face. Fisting on her dress she make her way to dressing table And sat there.
"Bear called me, he said I forgot my laptop and other important files over there at the mansion and mom dad also wanted to have breakfast with us so they called us over there and after that I'll collect my stuff also."
He said standing up from the bed.
"I am going to get ready. Take your time too." He said before entering to the washroom.
"Ohhh so he called for this. Y/n you are really stupid" she gave herself a shy smile and rubbed the back of her neck softly.
After getting ready y/n came down in the hall and walk to the kitchen to get herself a glass of water.
She took a water bottle from the fridge and poured some water in the glass for herself.
She just had a few sips from the glass when she choked on that after having a sight of the view in front of her eyes.
The water came out of his mouth like a spray and she quickly turned towards the besin. She was coughing badly. Jimin came running into the kitchen and patted her back softly.
"What happened y/n? Are you okay?" He said in a concerned tone.
Y/n's breathing was getting uneven now. She took a deep breath and turning around she take a few steps away from him and making herself a little calm she nodded her head in a yes.
"Okay then let's go. I told mommy that we are about to leave." And then jimin left the kitchen ahead of y/n.
She was again looking towards her and then she closed her eyes tightly.
"You crazy girl, how can you react like this after seeing him. I can understand he is looking handsome but you can't just throw the drink out of your mouth. And you saw him in the suit last night also then why this time it is making you react this badly. Gosh what is happening with you, you are just being unreasonable with time." Y/n was cursing herself in her head. And getting out of the main door she again took a glance on jimin who was walking towards his car.

"God does he look so handsome everyday or is it just me who is thinking like this?" Y/n again found herself staring him

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"God does he look so handsome everyday or is it just me who is thinking like this?" Y/n again found herself staring him.
After a while they were entered in a preety big mension. Now y/n understood why jimin was calling their home small.
The ride was not silent at all even for a moment cause jimin was literally telling her about everything he do in his mension and how was his room and where they were used to play?
How he always tease taehyung with his paper man sticks when he works on holidays.
"So this is our beautiful mension that I am telling you about?" Jimin said pointing towards the mension at his back while he was facing her.
And then a cold but mischievous voice appeared from his back,

"But not more than miss y/n"

Hi army hope you guys are fine ☺️
I am also doing good.
Tell me which part you like about jimin and y/n being together and how much you are liking them?
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