If You Could Be Anywhere

Start from the beginning

Harper shook her head, rolling her eyes and pulling out her own wand, she faced him. Her mind going through the catalog of spells she'd love to use in a dueling situation.

"On the count of three then...."


Sirius and Harper jumped a foot in the air at the sound of Asher's booming voice. He was standing in the doorway, his eyebrows high into his hairline as he studied the scene before him:

The drawing room was completely destroyed, all boxes and furniture were in small bits or smoking slightly with fresh burn marks, burn marks lined the walls and Sirius looked slightly burnt himself, a black eye forming on his right eye, while Harper's face sported a bloody lip and a large cut across her cheek that had finally stopped bleeding, a large hole in her shirt.

"Oh hello, Asher. The family is visiting Arthur, I assume you're here with some news?" Sirius greeted, Harper became a statue as her father only stood with an open mouth, slowly processing the scene.

"What exactly do you think you're doing?" Asher asked again.

"We got bored after all his questioning and wanted to settle a debate," Harper stammered, twirling her wand between her fingers nervously.

Asher pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, "well....I do suppose that's better practice than what that pink monstrosity has you lot doing....or not doing, I should say..." He cracked his neck, folding his arms and leaning against the doorway "Harper? You can move further with a lower center of gravity. Think of dueling as a dance, if you stand still you're more prone to injury. You have long legs....use them."

Harper tilted her head slightly and nodded, "thanks?"

Harper turned to Sirius who was doubled over laughing. "Alright then, another round!"

"It's two to one, kid! Just give up!"

"Let her go again, I think she can beat you this time," Asher prodded with a chuckle.

Harper shook her head, lifting her wand, just as she was about to say something, footsteps could be heard downstairs.

"Ah, another time then, kid," Sirius frowned, running a hand through his hair. "Asher, should we go downstairs?"

He disappeared with a crack, leaving a stern looking Asher alone with her.

"Well, go on...tell me you want to join the Order," Asher waved a hand over to her, his scowl deepening.

"Well of course I do!" Asher rolled his eyes at this, "wouldn't you feel guilty leaving these people behind like that?" Guilt flashed across his face, but not quickly enough it didn't go unnoticed by his daughter. "How would you expect me to live my life after doing that to people I care about?"

"Half of these—"

"It doesn't matter who I know personally or not," Harper interrupted her father who glared in response. "Why go running when I'm perfectly capable of helping?"

"Whoever taught you to stand for the greater good really is a thickhead," Asher wagged a finger at her.

"Hmmm may I suggest a mirror?" Harper winked with a smirk.

Asher sighed, cracking his neck, Harper tilted her head to the side, studying her father for a moment, "so if you rejoined....did mum?"

Asher was quiet for several moments, a long breath of oxygen leaving his lungs, the air escaping between clenched teeth.

Harper's eyes widened at the silent response, "oh...so that's why you've been so lenient with me being here."

"Happy Christmas, poppet," Asher muttered, footsteps sounded outside on the landing, Harper turned away from Asher as George bounded in the room with his giant grin plastered on his face.

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