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When Aelia woke her body was beyond sore. She could barely lift her arm to push her hair from her face. Her hand hovered in the air, but another hand swiped the lock away. Aelia slowly opened her eyes expecting to see the familiar canopy above her bed, but she saw stone instead. Her mind suddenly put together what had happened, and she was quick to move. Though, she didn't get very far without sucking in a breath of pain.

It was Dorian's voice.
Aelia turned her head and saw his worried sapphire eyes.
"Where's Celaena?"

"She's in her room."

He didn't seem surprised that she had asked.
"She's okay?"
Dorian nodded. "She's fine."

A sigh of relief.

Aelia took in her surroundings and recognized the infirmary. She was in a private room.
"How long was I out?"

Dorian moved more of her hair from her face. "Nearly a day."

She put a hand on her flat stomach. She could still feel the warmth of the babe. She then noticed the white-blue scars that raked down her entire left arm. She shifted to look at the rest of her body. She was covered by a gown and a blanket, but she removed both to see the left side of her torso had three jagged scars. She thanked the gods that the beast hadn't touched her neck or face. She could hide the bluish scars with sleeves.

"Do you want to tell me what happened? Or am I to guess?"
Aelia let out a breath. She didn't fully understand what had happened herself. And she said as much.
"When I get a clear head about it, I'll let you know."
Dorian nodded, not at all mad.

"Amithy did as good a job to heal you, and it seemed that your fae-witch abilities helped." Dorian sighed. "You should be dead." His voice lowered. "Whatever the hell did this to you had poison. Whatever Nehemia did to help probably saved your life."

Aelia vaguely remembered she was there.
"Where's Nehemia?"
"She's in the library."
"I want to speak with her."

Dorian nodded. "I'll get her. I have to meet with my father soon anyway."

In the silence that followed, Aelia looked at her left arm again.

There was a long scar that ran from the outside of her shoulder to the inner part of her elbow, extending a few inches onto her forearm. The second scar started from the back of her elbow and spiraled all the way to her wrist. The scar stopped just to the crease of her palm. The three scars on her left torso seemed to start just below her shoulder blade and wrap around to the front of her lower hip. She could feel the long scar on her back starting from the base of her neck and running diagonally to her left side; nearly meeting the others.

She would have these scars for the rest of her life. She would have to hide the scars for the remainder of the king's reign, and probably after, too. These scars would never turn pink.
"What are you thinking about?"
Aelia swallowed. "I'm going to have these scars for the rest of my life. I'll have to hide them."

Dorian gave a sad expression. "I'm sorry, Aelia. We will get your dresses adjusted as soon as we can."

A sigh.
"How many people saw?"
Dorian understood the question. "Chaol took the servants' passage. The only other person who saw your blood was Nehemia. Amithy wasn't training any acolytes. The blood in the hall has been cleaned."

She felt so tired. "How long do I have to stay here?"
"Amithy wants to watch you one more day."
Aelia blinked slowly. Dorian ran a hand through her night-dark hair.
"Rest. I'll get Nehemia and I'll be back down in a few hours."

Dorian placed a kiss on her head and slowly left the room.

When the door snicked shut behind him, Aelia let out a shuttering breath. She needed to talk with Celaena as well to get the whole story about what the hell that beast was and why it was going after her. She needed answers, but she was still so tired. Perhaps she could rest until Nehemia arrived. Just at the thought, Aelia's eyes fluttered closed and she was able to relax.

A Blade from the Wastes - Throne of GlassWhere stories live. Discover now